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Satyendra Kumar 2022-12-02 #HaathiSabkaSaathi :

I am so happy to find you and looking forward to connect , communicate and bring change for Gajah , jumbo , the elephant . looking forward and hopeful to collaborate for the rights of elephant !! Our mission Human beings talk about their Human Rights, in the same way Elephants also have Elephant Rights on the resources of the earth. If there are elephants, there is a forest, ecosystem engineer the Elephants .

Charlotte Goldblatt 2022-11-29 Charlotte Goldblatt:

Harry Rimberg was my uncle and I have some pictures of the elephant ride that he had in Coney Island. Thought you might be interested in getting copies of them. One of them has me and my cousin with my mother and aunt and two elephants. Who were named Charlotte and Joyce after myself and Harry’s daughter? I remember Jack Fox as a little girl since he had a big shock of white hair. I would be happy to give you any information that I have.

Bernd Hähnel 2022-10-27 Germany:

Hallo, der auf ihrer Seite benannte und 1972 verstorbene Carl Schmidt hat nie einen Elefanten besessen und hat auch nichts mit dem in Westdeutschland reisenden Zirkus Alberti, dem Besitzer von Shenka zu tun. Außer der Website kann noch das Buch Zirkus Alberti 1955 bis 1972 zu Rate gezogen werden.

Leslie Thompson 2021-11-04 Toronto, Canada:

As a child I was a member of a Columbo Plan family. I wanted an elephant for my fourth birthday. That was impossible. However, men working on an irrigation project in the Ampara district with my father, Murray W. Thompson in 1956, found a baby elephant trapped in vines. They touched it. To avoid its rejection by the herd, my father drove the baby elephant to the Deliwla Zoo. It was fostered by an elderly female elephant courtesy of a milk bottle , a long tube and a nipple. At the time it was said to be the youngest wild elephant to survive captivity. I wonder what happened to this elephant? Please do not share my e-mail address if you respond. Thank-you

Dan Koehl 2021-10-01 Phnom Penh:

The Guest book has been reopened after a ten year pause!

Carla Goss 2011-05-04 Griffin,:

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest