Circus Willy Hagenbeck in Germany

Circus Willy Hagenbeck

Local name Circus Ingrid Hagenbeck, Circus Wilhelm Hagenbeck

Owner -1910: Wilhelm Hagenbeck
1962-1969: Oskar Hoppe
Closed down1982
Address Lennestadt-Altenhundem
Place Lennestadt
District Olpe
StateNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany

Directors-1935: Oskar Hoppe (assistant director)
: Apollonia Hoppe (assistant director)
-1949: Carl Hagenbeck (director)
1910-1965: Willy Hagenbeck (director)

Key People-1962: Emil Wacker (agent)
-: Kathe Kuhlen (artist)
-: Gerhard Braune (chief animal trainer)
-: Dalila Balder (animal trainer)
-: Sidney Balder (animal trainer)
-: Engelbert Balder (animal trainer)
-: Christian Balder (animal trainer)
1880-: Julius Seeth (animal trainer)
1888-1889: Richard Sawade (animal trainer)


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants
1976-1981: Peter Balder
(elephant trainer)

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2024-02-03

Latest document update2024-02-03 10:19:59
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Circus Willy Hagenbeck, located at Lennestadt-Altenhundem, in Lennestadt, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany . Circus Willy Hagenbeck closed down in 1982.

Comments / picturesCircus <a href='person.php?id=410' title='Willy Hagenbeck'>Willy Hagenbeck</a>
in Germany Germany
Founded by Wilhelm Hagenbeck (1850–1910), brother to Carl Hagenbeck Jr.

Wilhelm was later followed by his sons Willy Hagenbeck (1884–1965) and Carl Hagenbeck (1888–1949).

Circus <a href='person.php?id=410' title='Willy Hagenbeck'>Willy Hagenbeck</a>
in Germany Germany

In 1962, the Circus name was taken over by Oskar Hoppe, and after his death in 1969, by his fifth wife Ingrid Pohle-Hoppe.

Circus <a href='person.php?id=410' title='Willy Hagenbeck'>Willy Hagenbeck</a>
in Germany GermanyElephants in Düsseldorf, 1964.

During the seventies, the circus winter quarters were located at a former rail building in Lennestadt-Altenhundem.

1972: A Group of six young Asian elephants were bought from Firma Hagenbeck, and trained by Peter Balder.

Circus <a href='person.php?id=410' title='Willy Hagenbeck'>Willy Hagenbeck</a>
in Germany GermanyFrom left: Peter Balder, behind him India, in the middle Rani, and on the right Dunja, Jenny with the long Tushes, mounting behind.

In 1980, Ingrid Pohle changed her circus\'s title, which became Circus Ingrid Hagenbeck. The circus closed adjoining her death in 1982, after the six elephants were sold to Flavio Togni in 1981.

References for records about Circus Willy Hagenbeck

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Circus Willy Hagenbeck, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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