San Francisco Zoo in United States

San Francisco Zoo


Last elephant left2005
Address 1 Zoo Road
Zip-code 94132
Place San Francisco, California
Country United States
Website Website

Directors: Edmund Heller (director)

Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2020-10-01

Latest document update2020-10-30 07:03:11
Relevant literature
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San Francisco Zoo, located at 1 Zoo Road, in San Francisco, California, United States . The last elephant left in 2005.

Comments / picturesThe San Francisco Zoo, (previously Fleishhacker Zoo) is a zoo in San Francisco, California housing more than 250 different animal Species.

The San Francisco Zoo was founded by banker and SF Parks Commission president Herbert Fleishhacker. Fleishhacker began planning for construction on a selected site in the southwest corner of San Francisco, adjacent to the Fleishhacker Pool, once the largest swimming pool in the United States. The area was also already home to a children’s playground, an original Michael Dentzel carousel, and the Mother’s Building, a haven for women and their children. Most of the exhibits were populated with animals transferred from Golden Gate Park, including two zebras, a cape buffalo, five rhesus monkeys, two spider monkeys, and three elephants: Virginia, Marjory and Babe.

In November 2004, Tinkerbelle the elephant was moved to a sanctuary in the Sierras. Since Lula joined join her there in March 2005, there are no longer any elephants at the SF Zoo. The moves followed the highly publicized deaths of Calle (age 38) in March 2004 and Maybelle (age 43) a month later in April

References for records about San Francisco Zoo

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). San Francisco Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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