Marcel Peters

From the list of elephant persons Family: Peters

Marcel Peters
Profession circus elephant trainer
Personal details
Country Australia

Title elephant trainer 1992
Location at Circus Mundial in Spain

Title elephant trainer 1978-
Location at Ashtons Circus in Australia

Title elephant trainer-1992
Location at Gerry Cottles Circus in United Kingdom

Biography details

Marcel Peters , circus elephant trainer in Australia


Records about Marcel Peters from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
Marcel Peters (63 next month) is English. Left home as a boy, starting his career in the stables of the Billy Smart Circus. He has done so much and worked so many wild animals that I lost the chronological order. Polar bears, tigers, lions, elephants. South-Africa, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malasia, Australia and finally Spain, where he lives now.

After his appearance on the 4th Ciscusfestival of Monte Carlo in 1977 with Boltini's lions, het left for Australia to join the Ashton Circus. Years later he returned to England and was with Gerry Cottle. When Cottle sold his elephants to the Spanish Circus Mundial, Marcel went too. And there - finally - he was able to fulfill his dream: bought a "hacienda" where he could train his own lions and tigers. And - how lucky can you be as a father - Jason followed in Marcel's track. As a presenter ánd as a trainer. At the moment Jason is working the lionact at Circus Americano (Faggioni) in Spain and will go to the February-program in the Krone-building in Munich.
Maarten de Jong

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). elephant trainer Marcel Peters in United Kingdom. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 15 June 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Marcel Peters

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Categories elephant trainer | circus | Gerry Cottles Circus | Peters family | People from Australia

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