Karl Strassburger

3 persons which may match your search Karl Strassburger on this website.

NoNameTypeLast update
1Leopold Strassburgerdirector2022-01-01 05:51:46
2Regina Strassburgerdirector2022-01-01 05:57:46
3Wilhelmine Strassburgerdirector2022-01-01 06:11:30

No page with the name Karl Strassburger in the database. !

2 locations which may match your search Karl Strassburger in the elephant database.

1Circus Strassburgercircus
2Stukenbrock SafariparkzooStukenbrockhttp://www.safaripark-stukenbrock.de/

12 elephants with keyword Karl Strassburger mentioned in the database

1Baby EMFwild1965dead2013-04-22 x Stukenbrock Safaripark
2Baby LAFwild1983FC x Stukenbrock Safaripark2015-02-04
3Bambina EMFwild>1907dead1927 x Circus Strassburger
4Beauty LAFwild1971dead2014-04-24 x Stukenbrock Safaripark1973-00-00
5Benji (Benjamin, Baby) LAFwildunknown x Stukenbrock Safaripark2015-06-00
6Didi LAFwild1975FC x Stukenbrock Safaripark1980-00-00
7Jenny LAFwild1975dead2005 x Stukenbrock Safaripark
8Jenny EMFwilddead x Circus Strassburger
9Kongo LAFwild1971dead1999 x Stukenbrock Safaripark
10Mousi LAFwild1983FC x Stukenbrock Safaripark2015-02-04
11Rita LAFwild1971dead1999 x Stukenbrock Safaripark
12Thai LAMwild1981dead2013-02-05 x Stukenbrock Safaripark2005-06-03

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest