Pelle Zettersten

No person with the name Pelle Zettersten in the database. !

No page with the name Pelle Zettersten in the database. !

1 locations which may match your search Pelle Zettersten in the elephant database.

1Kolmarden ZoozooKolmarden

15 elephants with keyword Pelle Zettersten mentioned in the database

1Brahma 9404 EMMwild1982dead2002-09-29 x Kolmarden Zoo1994-03-30
2Bua 9711 EMFunknown1997PC x Kolmarden Zoo2004-04-07
3Donkey 6701 EMFwild1965dead2003-05-26 x Kolmarden Zoo1965-00-00
4Gipsy (Gypsie) LAFwild1972dead1984-09-14 x Kolmarden Zoo1973-04-18
5Mida 8511 EMFwild1975dead2002-02-11 x Kolmarden Zoo1985-02-16
6Nobi EMMwilddead x Kolmarden Zoo1965-00-00
7Nobi (Noby) LAFwild1972dead1978-08-16 x Kolmarden Zoo1973-04-18
8noname 201721? EMcaptive-born2017-10-03deadTonsak x BuaKolmarden Zoo2017-10-03
9Prince 202005 EMMcaptive-born2020-03-17dead2021-12-07Tonsak x BuaKolmarden Zoo2020-03-17
10Putschie 7001 EMFwild1971dead2001-10-31 x Kolmarden Zoo1990-05-02
11Sandai 8807 EMFwild1985dead2003-05-14 x Kolmarden Zoo2000-08-23
12Sao Noi (Saonoi) 9612 EMFunknown1996PC x Kolmarden Zoo2004-04-07
13stillborn EMMcaptive-born2003-05-14dead2003-05-14Brahma x SandaiKolmarden Zoo2003-05-14
14Tembo (Tempo) LAFwild1972dead1974-11-27 x Kolmarden Zoo1973-04-18
15Tonsak 9815 EMMunknown1998PC x Kolmarden Zoo2015-00-00

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