
No person with the name Vauka in the database. !

No page with the name Vauka in the database. !

1 locations which may match your search Vauka in the elephant database.

1Kronberg Opel ZoozooKronberg

15 elephants with keyword Vauka mentioned in the database

1Afrika 6502 LAFcaptive-born1965-08-28dead1982Vauka x OpelineKronberg Opel Zoo1965-08-28
2Afrikano 6808 LAMcaptive-born1968-04-15dead1981Vauka x OpelineKronberg Opel Zoo1968-04-15
3Ali LAMwild1980dead2004-01-19 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1983-06-24
4Aruba 7902 LAFwild1979dead2020-03-11 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1981-09-17
5Christina 20047 LAFcaptive-born2006-06-18NCChisco x KiraKronberg Opel Zoo2023-06-16
6Conti LAMwild1955dead1971-05-00 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1955-06-01
7Kariba 20042 LAFcaptive-born2006-03-17PCTembo x Saba (Sabah)Kronberg Opel Zoo2020-08-26
8Lilak 7106 LAFwild1971PC x Kronberg Opel Zoo2020-08-26
9Neco 202101 LAMcaptive-born2021-01-08PC x ChristinaKronberg Opel Zoo2023-06-16
10Opeline 5201 LAFwild1952dead1993-06-14 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1955-06-01
11Tamo 200800 LAMcaptive-born2008-01-13FCTusker x SweniKronberg Opel Zoo2013-04-17
12Toto LAFwild1964dead1992-03-00 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1982-12-14
13Vauka 5501 LAMwild1955dead1977-10-00 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1955-06-01
14Wankie 8207 LAFwild1982dead2014-11-16 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1984-03-13
15Zimba 8208 LAFwild1982dead2021-04-10 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1984-03-13

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Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest