Ashton family

List of Ashton family

From the list of persons with family name Ashton

Database records of selected members from the family Ashton

  1. Cecil Ashton, circus assistant director, born ?, Son of director Joe Ashton and Ivy Ashton
  2. Cheyenne Ashton, circus artist, born 2006, Son of director Mike Ashton and Susan Vidbel-Ashton
  3. Dorothy Ashton, circus animal trainer, born 1896, dead ?. Daughter of director Fred Ashton
  4. Doug Ashton, circus director, born 1918, dead 2011-11-03. Son of director Joe Ashton and Ivy Ashton
  5. Fred Ashton, circus director, born 1866-09-28, dead 1941-02-17. Son of director James Ashton and Elizabeth Critchley
  6. James Ashton, circus director, born 1820, dead 1889-01-17.
  7. James Ashton Jr., circus director, born 1861, dead 1918. Son of director James Ashton and Elizabeth Critchley
  8. Jan Ashton, circus artist, born 1953, Daughter of director Doug Ashton and Phyllis Ashton
  9. Jordan Ashton, circus artist, Son of director Joseph Ashton and Michelle Jarman
  10. Joseph Ashton, circus director, born ?, dead 2020. Son of artist Mervyn Ashton and Nikki Hicks
  11. Joe Ashton, circus director, born 1887, dead 1960. Son of director Fred Ashton and Nelly Ryan
  12. Lianna Ashton, zoo artist, born 1983,
  13. Lorraine Ashton, circus artist, born 1937, Daughter of director Doug Ashton and Phyllis Ashton
  14. Merrik Ashton, circus artist, born 1994-01-06, Son of director Joseph Ashton and Michelle Jarman
  15. Mervyn Ashton, circus artist, born 1938, dead 2020?. Son of director Doug Ashton and Phyllis Ashton
  16. Mike Ashton, circus director,
  17. Mickie Ashton, circus artist, Son of director Fred Ashton and Nelly Ryan

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