Austin family

List of Austin family

From the list of persons with family name Austin

Database records of selected members from the family Austin

  1. Albert Austin Sr., circus artist, born 1872?, dead 1951. Son of animal trainer George Austin and Emma Austin
  2. Alby Austin, circus artist, born 1903, Son of artist Albert Austin Sr. and Addie Ginnet
  3. Charlie Austin, circus artist, born ?, Son of animal trainer George Austin and Emma Austin
  4. Cissie Austin, circus artist, born ?, Daughter of animal trainer Harry Austin and Ellen Burdett Sanger Coleman
  5. Denise Austin, zoo zookeeper, born ?, dead 1997.
  6. George Austin, circus animal trainer, Son of animal trainer George Austin and Emma Austin
  7. George Austin, circus animal trainer, born 1825, dead 1905.
  8. Harry Austin, circus animal trainer, born 1872, dead 1919. Son of animal trainer George Austin and Emma Austin
  9. Leonard Austin, circus artist, born 1915-05-28, dead 2001. Son of artist Albert Austin Sr. and Addie Ginnet
  10. Mike Austin, circus director, born ?, Son of artist Leonard Austin
  11. Patrick Austin, circus director, born ?, Son of director Mike Austin and Jounita Austin

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