Brown family

List of Brown family

From the list of persons with family name Brown

Database records of selected members from the family Brown

  1. ? Brown, circus other,
  2. Anne Bailey, private other, born 1753-04-17, dead 1840-01-15. Daughter of other Hackaliah Brown, III and Abigail Brown
  3. Belinda Brown, circus other, born 1792, Daughter of other Nathan Brown and Sarah Brown
  4. Benjamin Brown, circus director, born 1799-01-11, dead 1880-09-25. Son of other Isaac Brown and Amy Brown
  5. Christopher Brown, circus director, born ?, dead ?. Son of other Isaac Brown and Amy Brown
  6. Christopher Brown, private other, born 1736, dead 1785-08-01. Son of other Hackaliah Brown II and Anna Brown
  7. Frankie Brown, circus elephant trainer, born ?,
  8. Hackaliah Brown, III, private other, born 1727=08=27, dead 1813-05-22. Son of other Hackaliah Brown II and Anna Brown
  9. Hackaliah Brown II, private other, born ca 1676,
  10. Herschel Brown, circus director, born 1803, dead 1846-04-12. Son of other Isaac Brown and Amy Brown
  11. Isaac Brown, private other, born 1772-03-31, dead 1842-04-24. Son of other Christopher Brown and Lucy Brown
  12. J. Purdy Brown, circus director, born 1802, dead 1834-06-06. Son of other ? Brown
  13. Millie Brown, circus animal trainer, born 1860, dead 1924. Daughter of animal trainer William C. Brown and Louisa L. Brown
  14. Nathan Brown, circus other, born 1756, dead 1814. Son of other Hackaliah Brown, III and Abigail Brown
  15. Oscar Brown, circus director, Son of other ? Brown
  16. P. D. Brown, circus elephant trainer, born ?, dead ?.
  17. William C. Brown, circus animal trainer, born ?, dead ?.

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