Enoch family

List of Enoch family

From the list of persons with family name Enoch

Database records of selected members from the family Enoch

  1. Agnete Enoch, circus director, born 1956, Daughter of director Haddie Enoch Jr. and Solveig Enoch
  2. Dennie Enoch, circus director, born 1955, Son of director Haddie Enoch Jr. and Solveig Enoch
  3. Dorthea Steckel, circus director, born 1883-12-19, dead 1972. Daughter of director Theodor Enoch and Wilhelmine Schultz
  4. Georg Enoch, circus director, born 1881, Son of director Theodor Enoch and Wilhelmine Schultz
  5. Haddie Enoch Jr., circus director, Son of artist Haddie Enoch Sr.
  6. Haddie Enoch Sr., circus artist, born 1900, and Louise Enoch
  7. Isabella Enoch, circus director, born 1960, Daughter of director Haddie Enoch Jr. and Solveig Enoch
  8. Jimmy Enoch, circus director, born ?, Son of director Dennie Enoch
  9. Johanne Enoch, circus artist, born 1883-12-19, Daughter of director Theodor Enoch and Wilhelmine Schultz
  10. Katja Enoch, circus director, born 1967, Daughter of director Haddie Enoch Jr. and Solveig Enoch
  11. Louise Enoch, circus artist, born 1879, Daughter of director Theodor Enoch and Wilhelmine Schultz
  12. Peter Enoch, circus director, born 1877, Son of director Theodor Enoch and Wilhelmine Schultz
  13. Theodor Enoch, circus director, born 1847-09-24, dead 1909.

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