Gautier family

List of Gautier family

From the list of persons with family name Gautier

Database records of selected members from the family Gautier

  1. Axel Gautier, circus elephant trainer, born 1942-01-11, dead 1993-05-05. Son of animal trainer Lulu Gautier and Edith Gautier
  2. Didier Gautier, circus director, born 1792-02-27, dead 1872-06-13. Son of director Jean Baptiste Gautier and Rose de Lefevre
  3. Donna Gautier, circus artist,
  4. Ingeborg Rhodin, circus animal trainer, born 1929-02-11, dead 2015-11-19. Daughter of animal trainer Lulu Gautier and Edith Gautier
  5. Jean Baptiste Gautier, circus director, born 1758-02-01, dead 1823.
  6. Leonard Gautier, circus director, born 1797-10-19, dead 1866-09-05. Son of director Jean Baptiste Gautier and Rose de Lefevre
  7. Jean-Baptiste Gautier, circus animal trainer, born 1841-11-24, dead 1915-11-14. Son of director Leonard Gautier and Louisa Frese
  8. Joseph Gautier, circus director, born 1794, dead 1846-09-18. Son of director Jean Baptiste Gautier and Rose de Lefevre
  9. Kevin Gautier, circus elephant trainer, born 1969, Son of elephant trainer Axel Gautier and Donna Gautier
  10. Lulu Gautier, circus animal trainer, born 1887-08-29, dead 1949-01-04. Son of animal trainer Jean-Baptiste Gautier and Marie Monseiller
  11. Margaretha Gautier, circus artist, Daughter of director Didier Gautier and Johanna Grunert
  12. Maria Gautier, circus artist, born 1830-05-11, dead 1907-07-26. Daughter of director Joseph Gautier
  13. Michael Gautier, circus elephant trainer, born 1964, Son of elephant trainer Axel Gautier and Donna Gautier
  14. Victoire Gautier, circus animal trainer, born 1784, Son of director Jean Baptiste Gautier and Rose de Lefevre

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