Konyot family

List of Konyot family

From the list of persons with family name Konyot

Database records of selected members from the family Konyot

  1. Adolph Konyot, circus artist, born 1879, Daughter of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  2. Alex Konyot, circus animal trainer, born 1915, Daughter of artist Arthur Konyot and Manya Guttenberg
  3. Alexander Konyot, circus artist, born 1874, Son of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  4. Alphons Konyot, circus artist, born 1890, Son of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  5. Amalie Konyot, circus artist, born 1875, Daughter of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  6. Amanda Konyot, circus artist, born 1878, Daughter of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  7. Arthur Konyot, circus artist, born 1888, dead 1966. Son of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  8. David Konyot, circus artist, born 1947, Son of other Richard Sandow and Yolan Konyot
  9. Dorita Konyot, circus animal trainer, born 1923, Son of artist Arthur Konyot and Manya Guttenberg
  10. Gertrude Konyot, circus artist, born 1887, Daughter of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  11. Kathy Konyot, circus artist, born 1876, Daughter of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  12. Leopold Konyot, circus director, born ?,
  13. Max Konyot, circus artist, born 1883, Son of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  14. Olympia Konyot, circus artist, born 1885-08-08, dead 1942. Son of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  15. Oscar Konyot, circus artist, born 1897, Son of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  16. Pepita Konyot, circus artist, born 1881, Daughter of director Leopold Konyot and Henrietta Blumenfeld
  17. Yolan Konyot, circus artist, born 1929, Daughter of artist Alexander Konyot

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