Lorch family

List of Lorch family

From the list of persons with family name Lorch

Database records of selected members from the family Lorch

  1. Adolf Lorch, circus director, born 1845-05-04, dead 1918. Son of director Hirsch Lorch
  2. Adolph Lorch, circus artist, born 1887, dead 1940. Son of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  3. Alice Lorch, circus artist, Daughter of artist Julius Lorch
  4. Arthur Lorch, circus artist, born 1881, dead 1942. Son of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  5. Eugen Lorch, circus artist, born 1885, dead 1943. Son of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  6. Felix Lorch, circus artist, born 1888, dead 1891. Son of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  7. Hedwig Lorch, circus artist, born 1890, dead 1966. Daughter of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  8. Helene Lorch, circus artist, born 1883, Daughter of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  9. Hirsch Lorch, circus director, born 1817, dead 1901.
  10. Jeanette Lorch, circus artist, born 1879, dead 1954. Daughter of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  11. Julius Lorch, circus artist, born 1875-12-11, Son of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  12. Louis Lorch, circus director, born 1847-07-14, dead 1924. Son of director Hirsch Lorch
  13. Maud Lorch, circus animal trainer,
  14. Ronny Lorch, circus animal trainer, born 1947-06-29, Son of animal trainer Holdy Barlay and Maud Lorch
  15. Rosa Lorch, circus animal trainer, born 1876, Son of director Louis Lorch
  16. Rosa Lorch, circus artist, born 1876, dead 1959. Daughter of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer
  17. Rudolf Lorch, circus artist, born 1893, dead 1944. Son of director Louis Lorch and Johanna Meyer

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