Swoboda family

List of Swoboda family

From the list of persons with family name Swoboda

Database records of selected members from the family Swoboda

  1. Anita Swoboda, circus director, born 1918-09-09, dead ?. Son of director Ludwig Swoboda and Therese Swoboda
  2. Hella Medini, circus director, born 1920-03-31, dead 2015-01-00. Daughter of director Ludwig Swoboda
  3. Krimhilde Swoboda, circus artist, born 1935-07-17, Son of director Ludwig Swoboda and Therese Swoboda
  4. Ludwig Swoboda, circus director, born 1881-12-09, dead 1952-05-21.
  5. Stefanie Swoboda, circus artist, born 1914-09-25, dead 1941-02-20. Son of director Ludwig Swoboda and Therese Swoboda
  6. Therese Swoboda, circus artist, born 1911-08-19, dead 1971-03-24. Daughter of director Ludwig Swoboda and Therese Swoboda
  7. Wanda Swoboda, circus director, born 1913-08-28, Son of director Ludwig Swoboda and Therese Swoboda

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