Theo family

List of Theo family

From the list of persons with family name Theo

Database records of selected members from the family Theo

  1. Itah Kehem, camp other, born ?, Daughter of mahout Kehem Kepal
  2. Kasim Kepal, village wife, born 2000, Daughter of elephant owner Kepal Theo and Anhaeng Heng
  3. Kayon Kehem, camp other, born ?, Son of mahout Kehem Kepal
  4. Kehem Kepal, camp mahout, born 1988, Son of elephant owner Kepal Theo and Anhaeng Heng
  5. Kepal Theo, camp elephant owner, born ?, Son of elephant owner Theo and Koel Oy
  6. Khem Kepal, camp mahout, born 1982, Son of elephant owner Kepal Theo and Anhaeng Heng
  7. Naol Rat, camp mahout, Son of mahout Rat Theo
  8. Rat Theo, camp mahout, Son of elephant owner Theo and Koel Oy
  9. Theo, village elephant owner, dead ??.

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest