Tourniaire family

List of Tourniaire family

From the list of persons with family name Tourniaire

Database records of selected members from the family Tourniaire

  1. Adeleide Tourniaire, circus artist, Daughter of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  2. Benoit Tourniaire, circus director, born ?, dead 1865-09-13. Son of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  3. Ernest Tourniaire, circus artist, Son of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  4. Fanny Tourniaire, circus artist, Daughter of director Louis Tourniaire and Jeanne Schulze
  5. Ferdinand Tourniaire, circus animal trainer, Daughter of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  6. Francois Tourniaire, circus artist, dead 1870. Son of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  7. Jacques Tourniaire, circus director, born 1772, dead 1829. Son of artist Louis Tourniaire and Magdelene Maugiron
  8. Louis Tourniaire, circus director, Son of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  9. Louis Tourniaire, circus artist, born 1750,
  10. Louise Tourniaire, circus animal trainer, Daughter of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  11. Louise Klatt, circus animal trainer, born ca 1804, Daughter of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger
  12. Sophie Tourniaire, circus artist, Daughter of director Jacques Tourniaire and Philippine Rödiger

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