Please support this websiteand elephants in Chiang Mai region, by checking this months special promotions (2 for 1) from Elephant Art Online, genuine paintings made by elephants at Meataeng Elephant Park & Clinic in Chiang Mai, Thailand, who support elephants and other elephants owners in the area.financially

Elephant locations in India

557 locations has kept elephants in India

There is presently 1055 (418,502) living elephants in locations in India in this database

Region: India is in this database included in asia
Wild elephants: India has about 27,312 (min. 26000, max. 28000) wild elephants. Source:Baskaran et al. (2011)
Location holdings: 557 locations has kept 1491 elephants in India

(Database tables with collection of elephants further down on the page)
Elephants in locations1055 (418,502) living 436 (202,193) dead

1840: Elephants need for timber extraction were secured from various sources within India, including transfers .from the army Commissariat, as well as from the wild as was done by the Bengal government Khedda establishment which was created in Dacca in the early 1840. (Krishnamurthy 2002)

2000: A survey by Project Elephant in 2000 found a total of 3,400 captive elephants: 2,540 privately owned, 190 in temples, 480 with forest departments, almost 150 in zoos and circuses.

2001: India’s first elephant reserve was created in Jharkhand in 2001 under Project Elephant.
2005: India has around 21,300 elephants in 11 elephant ranges in India, according to the last census in 2005. The country also has 4,000 captive elephants, 800 of which are in Kerala. (Cheeran et al)
2007: 27, 700 elephants (census 2007-2008)

2009: A decision was made to relocate elephants from Zoos and circuses to forest elephants camps in more natural surrondings.

2011: According to the 2007 census, there are 27,669 to 27,715 elephants in its various reserves and habitats as against 25,604 in 1993.

2017: According to the country’s first ever synchronised Elephant Census conducted in 2017, there are 27,312 elephants across 23 states. According to the report, released by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change on August 12, Karnataka has the highest number of elephants (6,049), followed by Assam (5,719) and Kerala (3,054). In 2012, there were 1,559 elephants in Uttarakhand, and their population rose to 1,839 by 2017.
A maximum of 14,005 tuskers are in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra followed by 9,305-9,355 in northeastern regions with Assam having the highest number of 5,281 pachyderms. Eastern states, including Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh have 2,633 elephants while in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh their population is 1,726, the data said.

2019: A committee was formed to prepare a National Elephant Action Plan.

2020-10-05: The Union environment ministry has proposed an amendment to the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 to accord legal status to elephant reserves and corridors on the lines of tiger reserves. With the proposed amendment, the ministry proposes to have a similar legal framework for 30 elephant reserves across 15 states and statutory status for Project Elephant. India is home to about 30,000 elephants, or 60% of the global Asian elephant population.

Human elephant conflict (HEC)

Home to ca 60 percent of Asias elephants, India had the highest death rate from human-elephant conflict, with 200-250 people and 100 elephants killed annually. Habitat fragmentation, poaching of tusked males, and patchy forest law enforcement are problems, but numbers are rebounding.

Between 2018 and 2020, 1,401 people and 301 elephants died in India, according to Bhupendra Yadav, Union minister for environment, forest, and climate. This number was a sharp increase from previous years.

2020: According to data shared with the Lok Sabha on September 23, close to 2,300 people were killed by elephants in the past five years until 2019, which was 10 times the number killed by tigers. Also, 400 elephants were killed by poachers or through poisoning by local residents. The Lok Sabha reply revealed that at least 433 people have been killed across West Bengal between April 2014 and September 2019. In Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattishgarh, the death toll was 447, 391 and 329, respectively, during the period.

Captive elephants

Records about from the Gone Astray: Elephant care manual for mahouts and camp managers (Thailand)

In many parts of India, the local tribals are associated with the capture and training of wild elephants and many of them are excellent elephant-men,” wrote Krishnamurthy (1989). Krishnamurthy and Wemmer (1995a) wrote, “The use of tribal people as elephant handlers clearly pre-dated the establishment of elephant camps by the British. Indian people evidently relied on tribals as a source of jungle expertise, and to capture and train elephants....”

Such tribal traditions were extremely varied; Krishnamurthy and Wemmer conclude that, “It is unlikely that a uniform elephant husbandry was practiced by the diverse groups that came to be employed by the forest departments.” In south India many mahouts are tribals. In Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka, there are Jainu Kurubas and Betta or Hill Kurubas; in Kerala there are Mannars and, especially in the Annamalai mountains, Mallasars {Sambhu Prasad, 1995}. Of the mahouts of the Karnataka forest department, some in the Kodagu area are tribal while others are Muslim, originally having come from Bengal; the command words are a mixture of Bangla and Urdu (Kushalapa, 1990). Northeast India also has many traditional elephant-keeping and elephant-catching cultures, including the Ahom and the Rabha, from Assam and Meghalaya. Virtually all of the mahouts in Assam are tribal. In Madhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh the mahouts are a mix of tribals and non-tribals.

Elephant care manual for mahouts and camp managers, Preecha Phuangkum, Richard C. Lair and Taweepoke Angkawanith

2000: A survey by Project Elephant in 2000 found a total of 3,400 captive elephants: 2,540 privately owned, 190 in temples, 480 with forest departments, almost 150 in zoos and circuses. According to R. Sukumar, chairman of the Centre for Ecological Sciences at the premier Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, 3,500 of the estimated 14,000 captive Asian elephants can be found in India.

Many of them in temples and camps where they were used as live tractors for timber logging. Today those elephants are often used as tourist riding elephants in previous teak forests that has been transfered to protected areas.

In 2009, a decision was made to relocate elephants from Zoos and circuses to forest elephants camps in more natural surrondings.

2009: According to Dr B K Gupta, evaluation and monitoring officer of CZA, India had 140 elephants in 26 zoos and 16 circuses as on March 31 2009. Of these, Mysore and Trivandrum had the largest number at 9 and 8 respectively.

2009: According to the report "Captive Elephants in Zoo", (Varma, S., Sujata, S.R., Sarma, K.K., Bhanage, N., Agarwal, M., and Bhavsar, S. (2008). Captive Elephants in Zoos: An Investigation into the Welfare and Management of Captive Elephants in Zoos of India. Elephants in Captivity CUPA/ANCFTechnical Report No 4. Compassion Unlimited Plus Action (CUPA) and Asian Nature Conservation Foundation (ANCF), Bangalore, India): Andhra Pradesh had 7 elephants in 1 zoo, Assam had 9 in 1 zoo, Gujarat had 4 elephants in 2 zoos (2,2,), Karnataka had 16 elephants in 2 zoos, Kerala 1, Maharashtra 7 in 3 zoos, and Tamil Nadu had 6 elephants in 1 zoo. Among these elephants there were 32 females and 17 males (Source online publication

2020-09-21: India plans to build a biometric database and issue an ID number for every elephant in captivity across the country after the death of a pregnant female prompted an outcry. Blood samples will be taken from close to 3,000 elephants. Each will be given a unique identity number based on their DNA, under the plan set out by the government-backed conservation group Project Elephant.


2020: As per the last all-India survey, there are 8,500 elephants in Karnataka.
2008: About 163 captive elephants under five different management regimes. (Captive Elephants of Karnataka, 2008)
2018: Karnataka’s elephant camps have about 95 elephants and about 42 elephants were housed in the State zoos. (B.P. Ravi, 2018)


Kerala has a population of around 520 captive elephants (P.K. Kesavan , 2018). The Temple at Guruvayoor owns the largest herd of 65. Of the 702 captives in the state, only 118 are females, less than 17 per cent of the total captive population. And of the 118, more than 60 per cent have crossed the reproductive age. There is no record of a pregnancy as a result of a union between two captive elephants in the state. In the last four years two female elephants delivered, one in Kollam and another in Kottayam, but both had conceived in Assam.

2009: By 2009, about 700 elephants were in captivity across the state of Kerala: Private individuals owned 508 elephants, temples had 174, forest camps had 8 and a zoo was home to 2 elephants.

2018: 521 captive elephants in State of Kerala as per recent census. As many as 30 captive elephants are at the elephant camps at Wayanad, Karippa, Konni and Kottoor. There are 401 male elephants, 22 tuskless elephants (males?) and 98 female elephants as per the census conducted on November 29.

2021: 27 captive elephants died this year alone in Kerala, out of a total number of 420 captive elephants in the state of Kerala.

Tamil Nadu

In Tamil Nadu (formerly the Madras Presidency) the Forest-Department had been maintaining elephants for over 140 years. In the Anamallais, the elephant camp was located in Sungam (now in Kerala) till the state reorganization in 1956. Subsequently in 1956 the camp was shifted to Varagaliar in the Ulandy valley and continues there. The Theppakkadu Elephant Camp was established in 1927 in Mudumalai Range. In the Anamallais where large areas were cleared for planting with teak, elephant capturing operation was taken up in 1889 and until and up to 1972 more than 600 elephants were captured from wild to meet the demand for working elephants. In Mudumalai, elephant capturing was taken up in 1910 and continued till 1953. (Krishnamurthy 2002)

2002: at Mudhumalai 27 elephants (12 at Theppakadu camp, 15 at Abhayaranyam camp) 16 in AnamaIlais(9 at Varagaliar camp, 1 at Kozhikamuthi camp and 6 are deputed for "anti elephant depredation work" surrounding tea gardens at Valaparai and at Manomboli), 5 elephants in Arignar Anna Zoolologica) Park and one at the Childrens Comer, Guindy. Thus in total there are 49 animals on the roll overall under the management of Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan, Facts about elephants in India. Elephant Encyclopedia, (2025) available online retrieved 2025-02-17 at
(archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources, among others

Internal relevant links

NameElephant collectionPlace
Odanthurai Reserve
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsCoimbatore Tamil Nadu
Periya Thadagam elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Sameer Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
A. J. W. Milroy
(dealer) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
(map) Assam
Aane Mane Foundation base camp
(camp) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 6 births8 relocated0 deathsMysore
Aaryans World School
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsPune
Abdul Akbar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKovalloor P.O., Ernakulam
(map) Kerala
Abdul Aziz
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deaths
Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMalappuram
(map) Kerala
Abdul Rashid
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur
Abhayaranyam elephant camp (Mudumalai)
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsUdhagamandalam
(map) Tamil Nadu
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKozhikode
(map) Kerala
Abraham Thomas
(private) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 7 present (4,3) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
Agra Elephant Haven Rescue Centre (AERC)
(sanctuary) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated1 deaths Agra Uttar Pradesh
Ahmed Rafique
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNew Delhi
Ahmedabad Airport
(airport) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deaths
Ahmednagar unspecified temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPune
(map) Maharashtra
Ajanta Circus
(circus) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated1 deathsKolkata
(map) West Bengal
Ajith Kumar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPathanamthitta
(map) Kerala
Alakhdham Ashram
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsUjjain
(map) Madhya Pradesh
Alaknoor temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBelgaum District
(map) Karnataka
Albert Jose
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsErnakulam
(map) Kerala
Alleppey Elephant Training Camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsAlappuzha
(map)Alappuzha Kerala
Amaar Circus
(circus) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 4 present (1,3) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsCalicut
Ambalappuzha Sree Krishna Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsAmbalapuzha
(map) Kerala
Ambika Kumaran
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur
Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsGuwahati
(map) Assam
Amer Fort elephant village
(camp) Kept totally 124 elephants
, 113 present (2,104) 0 births2 relocated9 deathsAmer
(map)Jaipur district Rajastan
Amritapuri Mata Amritanandamayi Ashram
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsAmritapuri PO Kollam
(map) Kerala
Anamalai Tiger Reserve (ATR)
(wild) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births3 relocated0 deathsPollachi
(map)Coimbatore District/Tiruppur District Tamil Nadu
Angul Animal Husbandry Department
(hospital) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsAngul
(map) Odisha
Anil Kumar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Anilal Rajamma Amma
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsAlappuzha
(map) Kerala
Annapoorneshwari Temple Hosanadu Kodyadka
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsDakshina Kannada district, Mangalore
(map) Karnataka
Ansari Majeed
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsIdukki
(map) Kerala
Anthiyur forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsAnthiyur
(map) Tamil Nadu
Anwar Sadath
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths Marampally
(map)Ernakulam district Kerala
Apollo Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Appu Ghar
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNew Delhi
Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsPathanamthitta district Kerala
Arshad Ali
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsAmerJaipur district Rajastan
Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple (Tiruvannamalai)
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsTiruvannamalai
(map) Tamil Nadu
Arulmigu Jambukeswarar Sri Akhilandeswari Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsTiruchirappalli
(map) Tamil Nadu
Arulmigu Sugavaneswarar Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsSalem
(map) Tamil Nadu
Arun Kumar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsErnakulam
(map) Kerala
Arun Nair
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Arunachal Pradesh unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 9 births9 relocated0 deaths Arunachal Pradesh
Aryankavu elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPunalur, Kollam district Kerala
Ashok Tiwari
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaunpur district Uttar Pradesh
Ashram Art of Living Thiruvananthapuram
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsTrivandrum
(map) Kerala
Asok Kumar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Assam unspecified forest
(private) Kept totally 13 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 12 births12 relocated1 deaths
(map) Assam
Assam unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 15 births6 relocated0 deaths
Assam Zoo Guwahati
(private) Kept totally 14 elephants
, 11 present (6,4) 0 births0 relocated3 deathsGuwahati
(map) Assam
Ateek Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Athagarh Forest Division
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 2 births2 relocated0 deathsAthagarh
(map) Odisha
Aurangabad Siddharth Garden and Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated1 deathsAurangabad
Ayub Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
B. Syama Prasad
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 3 present (3,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKollam
(map) Kerala
Baba Gulabdas
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsKota
(map) Rajasthan
Babu Namboothiri
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur
Badri Narain Sharma
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Bagh-e-Aam Public Gardens
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsHyderabad
(map) Telangana
Bagori elephant camp (Kaziranga)
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 2 present (0,2) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsKaziranga National Park
(map) Assam
Balakrishna Pillai
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Balle Elephant Camp
(camp) Kept totally 21 elephants
, 11 present (6,5) 4 births6 relocated4 deathsNagarhole National Park
(map) Karnataka
Ban Santour Ch. Surinder Singh Elephant Rehabilitation Centre
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 4 present (0,4) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsTahri
(map)Yamunanagar district Haryana
Bandhavgarh elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 21 elephants
, 12 present (1,4) 10 births2 relocated7 deathsBandhavgarh National Park
(map)Umaria district Madhya Pradesh Central India
Bandipur forest camp (BEC)
(camp) Kept totally 23 elephants
, 11 present (7,1) 13 births11 relocated1 deaths Karnataka
Bandipur National Park
(wild) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 4 births4 relocated3 deathsBandipur
(map) Karnataka
Bangalore Airport
(airport) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsBangalore Karnataka
Bankura forest
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsBankura West Bengal
Bannerghatta Biological Park Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 33 elephants
, 22 present (6,14) 20 births4 relocated7 deathsBangalore
(map) Karnataka
Bannerghatta National Park
(wild) Kept totally 11 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 3 births11 relocated0 deathsBangalore
(map) Karnataka
Barefoot Resort
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsHavelock islands
(map) Andaman islands
Bargang Tea Estate
(farm) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsBargang
(map) Assam
Barrackpore menagerie (Indian Natural History Project)
(zoo) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBarrackpore subdivision, Kolkata
(map) West Bengal
Bastian timbers (T.R. Antony)
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Begur forest (Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary)
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsSulthan Bathery Kerala
Behali Tea Estate
(farm) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsBehali T.E.
(map) Assam
Belraya elephant camp (Dudhwa National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsDudhwa National Park
Berhampur Forest
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsBrahmapur
(map) Odisha
Bhagwan Birsa Biological Park
(zoo) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 3 present (1,2) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsChakla Bihar
Bhaskaran Nair
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsAnappara
Bhavani Sangameshwarar Vedanayagiamman temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsBhavani,
(map)Erode district Tamil Nadu
Bheemanakatte elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPeriyapatna talukMysore district
Bheemeshwari elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMalavalli Taluk, Mandya District Karnataka
Bhopal operation Durga
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsBhopal Madhya Pradesh
Bihar Forest Department
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsRanchi Bihar
Bihar unspecified location
(wild) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births5 relocated0 deaths
(map) Bihar
Bijnor district forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsBijnor
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Biligirirangana Hills
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated0 deathsYelandur Karnataka
Billy Arjan Singh
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsPalia Kalan
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Binkadakatti Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsHubli
Bombax elephant camp (Mudumalai)
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsUdhagamandalam Tamil Nadu
Bombay Harbour
(seaport) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsMumbai
Bondla zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsMargao, Goa
Bori logging camp
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deaths
(map) Madhya Pradesh
Botezari elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 11 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 6 births7 relocated4 deathsChandrapur, Maharashtra
Brihadeeswarar Big Temple (Peruvudaiyar Kovil)
(temple) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths Thanjavur Tamil Nadu
British Indian Army
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated5 deaths
Burgula Ramakrishna Rao
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths Uttar Pradesh
Buxa Tiger Reserve elephant camp
(wild) Kept totally 12 elephants
, 11 present (2,9) 4 births1 relocated0 deathsJalpaiguri West Bengal
Calcutta Alipore Zoo (Alipore Zoological gardens)
(zoo) Kept totally 16 elephants
, 4 present (1,3) 0 births12 relocated0 deathsKolkata
(map) West Bengal
Calcutta Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport
(airport) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsCalcuttaKolkata metropolitan region West Bengal
Camp King Elephant camp (Rajaji National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 21 elephants
, 17 present (3,10) 0 births3 relocated1 deathsDehradun Uttarakhand
Carmelagiri Elephant Park
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
(map) Kerala
Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKanakapura
(map) Karnataka
Chadivayal elephant camp (Sadivayal)
(camp) Kept totally 10 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 1 births8 relocated0 deathsCoimbatore
(map) Tamil Nadu
Chahala camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsMayurbhanj district Odisha
Chanda Devi
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsGhatampur
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Chandaka Dampada sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births0 relocated1 deathsCuttack
(map)Cuttack district Odisha
Chandaka Elephant Sanctuary camp
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated1 deathsBhubaneswar
Chandragupta Maurya
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Chathapuram Agraharam
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKalpathy
Chengalloor Sree Mahadeva Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Chengannur Mahadevar Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThiruvananthapuram Kerala
Chenoy Balakrishnan
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKochi
(map) Kerala
Chhat Bir Zoo (Mahinder Singh Zoological park)
(zoo) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 5 present (2,3) 2 births0 relocated2 deathsZirakpur
(map)Mohali district Punjab north-west India
Chidambaram Nataraja temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsChidambaram
(map) Tamil Nadu
Chilapata Jungle Camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births0 relocated0 deathsDooars, Jalpaiguri District North Bengal
Chilla elephant camp (Rajaji National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 3 present (1,2) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsDehradun Uttarakhand
(village) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsIdukki
(map)Idukki district Kerala Cardamom Hills, Western Ghats
Chinnar elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsIdukki
(map) Kerala
Chirakkal Madhu
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Chompalan Ali
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKannur
(map) Kerala
Chowkham village
(village) Kept totally 13 elephants
, 3 present (0,1) 2 births10 relocated0 deathsTehsil ChowkhamLohit district Arunachal Pradesh
Cochin Devaswom
(temple) Kept totally 13 elephants
, 11 present (10,1) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsErnakulam
(map) Kerala
Cochin Thirumala Devaswom
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
(map) Kerala
Coimbatore forest division
(wild) Kept totally 11 elephants
, 5 present (4,1) 4 births4 relocated2 deathsCoimbatore Tamil Nadu
CWRC in Manas National Park
(camp) Kept totally 13 elephants
, 8 present (4,2) 0 births5 relocated0 deathsGuwahari Assam
Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJamshedpur
Davangere Durgambika Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsDavanagere
(map) Karnataka
Dawood Meeran
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsMukkudal
(map)Tirunelveli district
Devar Films
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Dhenkanal district forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsDhenkanal
(map) Odisha
Dhenkanal Kapilash animal Zoo and science park
(zoo) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 7 present (1,3) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsKapilash
(map) Orissa
Dhikala elephant camp (Corbett National park)
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 2 present (0,2) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsCorbett National park
Dhoni elephant kraal
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPalakkad
(map)Palakkad district Kerala
Dhrangadhra Indian Ornithological Garden
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsDhrangadhra, Gujarat
Dhupjhora elephant camp (Gorumara Central Pilkhana)
(camp) Kept totally 19 elephants
, 13 present (2,7) 2 births4 relocated2 deathsJalpaiguri
(map) West Bengal
Doddabetta Reserve Forest
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsOoty Tamil Nadu
Doddaharve Elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 4 present (1,3) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsBylakuppe Karnataka
Dr. Shivaram Karanth Biological Park (Pilikula Nisargadama)
(zoo) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 1 births4 relocated0 deathsMangalore Karnataka
Dubare elephant camp (Aanekaadu)
(camp) Kept totally 44 elephants
, 22 present (14,3) 5 births15 relocated7 deathsCoorg
(map) Karnataka
Dubare forest
(wild) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 1 births5 relocated0 deathsKodagu Karnataka
Dudhwa elephant base camp (Dudhwa National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 25 elephants
, 15 present (3,6) 2 births4 relocated6 deathsPalia Uttar Pradesh
E K Govindan Chettiyar
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKozhikode
(map)Kozhikode district Kerala
E. Ali
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKannur
(map) Kerala
E. P. Antony
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKollam
(map) Kerala
E. S. Gafoor Abdul
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKodumgalloor P.O
(map) Kerala
Elefantasy Jaipur
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Erode forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deaths Erode - 4 Tamil Nadu
Errol Grey
(dealer) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsNorth Lakhimpur
(map)Lakhimpur district Assam
Eruttukanam Elephant Camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsIdukki
(map) Kerala
Evoor Major Sri Krishnaswamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsHaripad
(map)Alappuzha district Kerala
Firoj Khan
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Geetha P D
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsPalakkad
(map) Kerala
Gemini Circus
(circus) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births8 relocated1 deaths
George Joseph
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKannur
(map) Kerala
Ghoghi elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsSidhi
(map)Sidhi district Madhya Pradesh
Girin Moran
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKakapathar Tinsukia district Assam
Grand Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBangalore
Great Bombay Circus
(circus) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deaths
Great Golden Circus
(circus) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsAhmedabad Gujarat
Great Indian Circus
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKolhapurKolhapur district Pune division Maharashtra western peninsular India
Great Rayman Circus
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Great Royal Circus (Madhuskar’s Royal Circus)
(circus) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 4 present (1,3) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsThane
Greens Zoological Rescue And Rehabilitation Kingdom
(zoo) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 4 present (0,4) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsJamnagar Gujarat
Gudalur forest
(wild) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsGudalur
(map) Tamil Nadu
Guindy Zoo (Deer Park and Childrens Park)
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births5 relocated0 deathsChennai
(map) Tamil Nadu
Guruji Prashanth
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Guruvayur Devaswom elephant camp
(temple) Kept totally 63 elephants
, 44 present (39,5) 0 births1 relocated18 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Guruvayur Devaswom (Kovilakam)
(temple) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsThrissur
Haji Karim Khan
(private) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births6 relocated0 deathsJaipur
(map) Rajastan
Harangi Tree Park and Elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 3 present (3,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKushalanagar taluk
(map)Kodagu district Karnataka
Harindra Nath M. K.
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKozhikode
(map) Kerala
Harriet Fortinbrass
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Harris Ali
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKannur Kerala
Hassan district forest (Karnataka)
(wild) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 4 births5 relocated0 deathsHassan Karnataka
Hatighar camp
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 1 births0 relocated4 deathsSimilipal National ParkMayurbhanj district Odisha
Hollong elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsDooars, Jalpaiguri District North Bengal
Holong Philkhana (Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary)
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 3 present (0,2) 2 births1 relocated1 deathsWest Bengal
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Hosur forest division
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsHosur Tamil Nadu
Hunsur Elephant Rescue Centre
(sanctuary) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsHunsur Mysore
Husna Bano
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Ilanji Kumarasamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsIlanji Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
India Forest Department of Andaman (FDA)
(camp) Kept totally 21 elephants
, 21 present (5,14) 5 births0 relocated0 deathsPort Blair Andaman islands
India unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 103 elephants
, 7 present (2,2) 316 births95 relocated1 deaths
India unspecified port
(seaport) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Indian Bahadur Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Indian Museum Kolkata
(museum) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKolkata
(map) West Bengal
Indore Zoo (Kamal Nehru Prani Sangrahalaya)
(zoo) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births2 relocated1 deathsIndore Madhya Pradesh
Iqbal Jahn
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Iqram Ali
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Irfan Mansuri
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Ishak Ali
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Itanagar Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsShannan
(map) Arunachal Pradesh
Jaipur Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar the Great of India
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsDelhi
Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary (WLS camp)
(camp) Kept totally 73 elephants
, 44 present (18,24) 28 births26 relocated3 deathsSiliguri, Coochbehar Forest Division Uttar Pradesh
Jamuna Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Bahadur
(private) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births6 relocated1 deathsMysore
(map) Karnataka
Jayaram Subramaniyam
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsChennai
Jhargram mini zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsJhargram West Bengal
Jiten Gogoi
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated0 deathsBokakhat Tehsil
(map)Golaghat district Assam
Jitendra Jaiswal
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsLucknow
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Jumbo Circus
(circus) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 6 present (1,5) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsKannur
(map)Kannur District
Jyotiba temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKolhapur
(map) Maharashtra
K Gudi Wilderness Camp (Kyathadevara Gudi)
(camp) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 3 present (1,1) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsChamarajanagar
(map)Coimbatore Karnataka South India
K. Mohanan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNeyyattinkara
(map) Kerala
K. R. Ushakumari
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsChannanikadu
(map) Kerala
K. S. Anandamani
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPalakkad
(map) Kerala
K.K.S. Nambiar
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNeeleshwaram
(map) Kerala
Kadagaravalli Estate
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsSakaleshpur Taluk
(map) Karnataka
Kakanakote forest
(wild) Kept totally 11 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 6 births11 relocated0 deathsMysore
(map) Karnataka
Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsTirunelveli district and Kanyakumari district Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
Kalika Durga Parameshwarai Temple, Vidyaranyapura
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBangalore Karnataka
Kallalla elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKodagu Karnataka
Kamakshi Amman Temple
(temple) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsKanchipuram
(map) Tamil Nadu Tondaimandalam
Kamala Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsThalassery Kannur district, Kerala
Kamlapur elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 4 births4 relocated4 deathsAheri Taluka
(map)Gadchiroli district Maharashtra Vidarbh
Kampur unspecified elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsKampur
(map)Nagaon district Assam
Kanan Pendari Zoo Park
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsBilaspur Bilaspur district, Chhattisgarh
Kanha unspecified elephant camp (Kanha National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 5 present (4,1) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsMandla
(map) Madhya Pradesh
Kankaria Kamla Nehru Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 6 present (4,2) 1 births0 relocated2 deathsAhmedabad Gujarat
Kanpur Allen Forest Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 2 present (0,2) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKanpur
Kanthaloor Mahadeva Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Kanyakumari Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsNagercoilKanyakumari district Tamil Nadu
Karanjia Forest Division
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsKaranjiaMayurbhanj district Odisha
Karbi Anglong District
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsDiphu Assam
Kareem P. H. Abdul
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
Karnataka unspecified location
(wild) Kept totally 15 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 19 births14 relocated1 deaths
(map) Karnataka
Karulai forest range
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsNilambur Kerala
Kashi wildlife division compound
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsVaranasi Uttar Pradesh
Katarniaghat elephant camp (Dudhwa National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKatarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary
Katarniya Ghat Wildlife Park
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBahraich
Katraj Zoo (Rajiv Gandhi Zoological Park)
(zoo) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 2 present (0,1) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsPune
(map) Maharashtra
Kattepura forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNagarhole National Park Karnataka
Kaziranga Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC)
(camp) Kept totally 25 elephants
, 7 present (2,4) 0 births14 relocated4 deathsPo-Gobindadham
(map) Bankura, Assam
Kaziranga National Park
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 2 births1 relocated0 deathsJorhat
(map) Golaghat, Nagaon, Assam
Kaziranga unspecified elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 5 present (2,2) 1 births1 relocated1 deathsKaziranga National Park
Kerala Financial Corporation
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths Kerala
Kerala unspecified location
() Kept totally 14 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 12 births11 relocated2 deaths Kerala
Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University (KVASU)
(hospital) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPookode
(map)Wayanad district Kerala south India
Kipling Camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKanha National Park Madhya Pradesh
Kodanadu Elephant training centre
(camp) Kept totally 16 elephants
, 9 present (3,6) 1 births4 relocated3 deathsErnakulam District Kerala
Koduman Kunjumon
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated2 deaths Kerala
Kokkathode forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPathanamthitta district Kerala
Kolavige Rama Temple Elephant Camp
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsHunsur Karnataka
Kollampuzha Thiruvarattu Kavu
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsAttingal Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala
Konni Elephant Kraal Reserve
(camp) Kept totally 19 elephants
, 4 present (1,3) 1 births7 relocated8 deathsPathanamthitta
(map)Pathanamthitta district Kerala
Konni Reserve Forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsAruvappulam
(map)Pathanamthitta district Kerala
Koodalagar Azhagar Kovil (Alagar temple)
(temple) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 2 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsMadurai
Koodalmanikyam Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur District Kerala
Koorgalli Rescue And Rehabilitation center
(quarantine) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMysore
(map) Karnataka
Kottarakkara Sree Maha Ganapathy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKottarakara
(map) Kerala
Kottiyoor Devaswom
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKannur
(map)Kannur district
Kottoor elephant rehabilitation centre (ERC)
(sanctuary) Kept totally 28 elephants
, 21 present (9,12) 0 births2 relocated5 deathsKattakkada Taluk
(map)Thiruvananthapuram district Kerala
Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV
(private) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated3 deathsMysore
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPalakkad
Kukke Shri Subrahmanya temple (Kukke Pattana)
(temple) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsSullia Taluk, Mangalore Karnataka
Kulamakkil house
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 3 present (3,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKattoor Kerala
Kunjanagar elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsFalakata, Jalpaiguri district North Bengal
Kunnakudi Shanmughanathar temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKaraikudiSivaganga district Tamil Nadu
Kurumbapatti Zoological Park
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsSalem
(map) Tamil Nadu
Kuttankulangara Sri Krishna Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThrissur district
(map) Kerala, south India
Kuttisankaran Nair
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
(map) Kerala
L. Saiju
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKollam
(map) Kerala
Latif Aalam
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Lucknow Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated3 deathsLucknow
(map) Uttar Pradesh
M. K. Ibrahim
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKozhikode
(map) Kerala
M. P. Abraham
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
M. R. Palayam Elephant Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (ERRC)
(sanctuary) Kept totally 11 elephants
, 8 present (0,8) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsThiruchinapaili
(map) Tamil Nadu
M.A. Thomas
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
Madanpur elephant camp (Valmiki National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsWest Champaran district
(map) Bihar
Madeena Begum
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Madpuri village
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsNajibabad, Bijnor district
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Madras Vandalur Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 25 elephants
, 9 present (1,6) 3 births12 relocated4 deathsChennai
Madras Zoo (Moore Market Complex)
(zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsMadras
Mahalingeswaraswamy Temple (Sri Mahalinga Swamy Temple)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsTiruvidaimaruthur
(map) Tamil Nadu
Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsSiliguri
Maharaja Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma of Travancore
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deaths
Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III of Baroda
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsVadodara
(map) Gujarat
Mahendra Kumar Sharma
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Mailani depot camp (Dudhwa National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 8 present (2,6) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsMailani, Lakhimpur Kheri District
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Makulakocha rehabilitation centre (Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary)
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 3 present (1,2) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsJamshedpur
Mala forest elephant camp (Pilibhit Tiger Reserve)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPilibhit district
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Malayalappuzha Durga Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPathanamthitta Kerala
Malayattur Forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsErnakulam District Kerala
Malayinkeezhu Sree Krishna Swami Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Malur Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre
(sanctuary) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThimmapura
(map)Kolar district Karnataka
Manakula Vinayagar Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsPondicherry
Manas National Park
(wild) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 5 present (4,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsGuwahari Assam
Mangalamkunnu brothers
(private) Kept totally 16 elephants
, 8 present (8,0) 0 births1 relocated7 deathsPalakkad
(map) Kerala
Mangalamkunnu elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsSreekrishnapuram
(map) Kerala
Mannarapara forest range
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPunalur Kerala
Mathigodu elephant Camp
(camp) Kept totally 33 elephants
, 8 present (5,2) 1 births16 relocated9 deathsThithimathi
(map)Kodagu district Karnataka
Mathura Elephant Care Centre (Wildlife SOS India)
(sanctuary) Kept totally 27 elephants
, 15 present (4,11) 0 births0 relocated12 deathsMathura
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Mayiladuthurai Mayuranathaswami Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsMayiladuthurai
(map) Tamil Nadu
Medla elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 6 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJalpaiguri Wildlife Division-2 North Bengal
Mhow Veterinary College
(hospital) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsMhow Madhya Pradesh
Minnamthottil temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsChavara Kollam
Mohammad Arif
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Mohammed Ebrhim
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Mohammed Jahid
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Mohammed Javed
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Mohammed Sabir
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Moiradanga elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsDooars, Jalpaiguri District North Bengal
Moolehole forest
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deaths
Moonlight circus
(circus) Kept totally 10 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 3 births10 relocated0 deaths Maharashtra
Mr Sharma
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsNew Delhi
Mrs Masan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
(map) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Mudumalai Game Hut elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsUdhagamandalam
Mudumalai National Park
(wild) Kept totally 14 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 9 births11 relocated2 deathsUdhagamandalam
Mughal Empire
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Mumbai Airport (Bombay airport)
(airport) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsMumbai
(map) Maharashtra
Mumbai Byculla Jijamata Udyan zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated3 deathsMumbai Maharashtra
Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsMysore
Mungiakami Elephant Camp
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 4 present (3,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsTeliamura
(map)Khowai district Tripura
Munna Khan
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Murkal elephant camp (Nagarhole)
(camp) Kept totally 27 elephants
, 14 present (12,2) 4 births12 relocated1 deathsNagarhole National Park
Muruga Rajendra Mata
(zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsChitradurga
(map) Karnataka
Muthanga elephant camp (East Wayanad)
(camp) Kept totally 19 elephants
, 8 present (8,0) 1 births7 relocated4 deathsSulthan Bathery
(map)Wayanad district Kerala
Muthumariamman temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsMataleMatale district Central Province
Mysore Palace Temple
(temple) Kept totally 17 elephants
, 5 present (2,3) 1 births7 relocated5 deathsMysore
Mysore Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 46 elephants
, 14 present (5,7) 8 births22 relocated10 deathsMysore
(map) Karnataka
N. Baskar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsSrirangam
(map) Tamil Nadu
N. G. Gopalakrishnan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThrissur
Nagaland Zoological Park
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsDimapur Dimapur
Nagarhole National Park
(wild) Kept totally 35 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 29 births34 relocated1 deathsHunsur
(map)Kodagu district and Mysore district Karnataka
Nagore Dargah (Hazrat Syed Shahul Hameed Dargah)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsNagore, Nagapattinam district
(map) Tamil Nadu
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Nakeri Mana Vasudevan Namboodiri
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsGuruvayur Kerala
Namsai district unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 21 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births20 relocated0 deaths
(map)Namsai district Arunachal Pradesh north-east India
Nandankanan Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 12 elephants
, 4 present (0,4) 0 births1 relocated7 deathsBhubaneswar Orissa
Naniyala elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsKuppamChittoor district Andhra Pradesh
Nanjangud Srikanteshwara Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsMysore
(map) Karnataka
Nayarambalam Bhagavathy Temple (Nayarambalam NSS Trust)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsCochin Ernakulam, Kerala
Nazar Mohammed
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Nazar T. M. Abdul
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMudikkal P.O., Ernakulam
(map) Kerala
Nedunkayam elephant camp (Nilambur)
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deathsNilambur
(map) Kerala
Nehru Zoological Park
(zoo) Kept totally 12 elephants
, 7 present (2,5) 1 births3 relocated2 deathsHyderabad
Nellaiappar Kanthimathi Ambal temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsTirunelveli district Tamil Nadu
New Delhi National Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 10 elephants
, 3 present (2,1) 0 births5 relocated2 deathsNew Delhi
Neyyattinkara Sree Krishna Swami Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsNeyyattinkara Kerala
Nilambur reserve forest
(wild) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 6 births7 relocated0 deathsNilambur, Kerala
Nilgiris District unspecified location
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births0 relocated2 deathsNilgiris Tamil Nadu
O. S. Babu
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKottayam district
(map) Kerala
Octavius Steel and Co (Gyles Mackrell)
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated4 deathsShillong Assam
Odisha state unspecified location
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 3 births2 relocated0 deaths
(map) Odisha East India
Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT)
(hospital) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsBhubaneswar
(map) Odisha
Olympic Circus
(circus) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 4 present (0,4) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Orang National Park
(wild) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 3 present (1,2) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsTezpur Assam
Orang National Park elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 32 elephants
, 25 present (9,16) 20 births2 relocated5 deathsTezpur
(map) Assam
P. K. Narayanan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPalarivattom
(map) Kerala
P. S. Jayagopal
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsTrichur Kerala
P. V. Alikunju
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsErnakulam
(map) Kerala
Padinjattinkara Mahadeva temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKottarakkara Kerala
Padmanabhaswamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Palakkad unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsPalakkad
(map)Palakkad district
Palamau elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 3 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsRanchi
Palamu elephant camp (Betla National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPalamau Jharkhand
Palani Arulmigu Dhandayuthapani Temple
(temple) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 2 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsPalani
(map) Tamil Nadu
Pansoli elephant camp (Dandeli forest)
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births2 relocated1 deathsDandeli Anashi Tiger reserve
(map) Uttara Kannada, Karnataka
Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated0 deathsPalakkad Palakkad, Kerala
Paramekkavu Devaswom temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated2 deathsThrissur
Parameswaran Chettiyar
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPalakkadu
(map) Kerala
Parashuram Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Pariyanampatta Mookambika Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPalakkad Kerala
Patna Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsPatna Bihar
Patwardhan Royal Circus
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKolhapurKolhapur district Pune division Maharashtra western peninsular India
Peepertola elephant camp (Panna National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 1 births0 relocated1 deathsPanna Madhya Pradesh
Peer Mohideen
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsTirunelveli
(map) Tamil Nadu
Pench Mowgli Sanctuary elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsSeoni
(map)Seoni district and and Chhindwara district Madhya Pradesh
Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 2 births2 relocated0 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map)Thiruvananthapuram district Kerala
Periyar National Park
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsIdukki district and Pathanamthitta district Kerala Cardamom Hills and Pandalam Hills of the south Western Ghats
Perur Patteeswaraswamy temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsCoimbatore Tamil Nadu
Pobitora wildlife sanctuary elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsGuwahati
Ponnethu Vijayan Unni
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsErnakulam
(map) Kerala
Port of Calcutta
(seaport) Kept totally 19 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births19 relocated0 deathsKolkata
(map) West Bengal
Port of Old Goa
(seaport) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPanaji
(map) Goa
Port of Trivandrum
(seaport) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deaths
(map) Kerala
Pothen Varghese
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 3 present (3,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
Prabhu Narayan Singh of Benares
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsVaranasi
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Prakasan M V Athrangattu
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsIringapuram
Pratap Chandra
(private) Kept totally 18 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated17 deathsMayurbhanj
(map) Odisha
Pratapgarh unspecified owner
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPratapgarh
(map) Pratapgarh district, Uttar Pradesh
Pravithanam private owner
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
(village) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPuthucode
(map) Kerala
Puthenkulam Elephant Village (Puthenkulam Anakkottil)
(private) Kept totally 10 elephants
, 8 present (8,0) 1 births2 relocated0 deathsKollam
(map) Kerala
Queen Gayatri Devi of Aundh (Maharani Gayatri Devi)
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur
(map) Rajasthan
Radhe Krishna Temple Elephant Welfare Trust (RKTEWT)
(sanctuary) Kept totally 67 elephants
, 67 present (6,20) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJamnagar
(map) Gujarat
Rafeek Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Raghavan Pillai
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsValakam
Rahman M. K. Abdul
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKozhikode
(map) Kerala
Raja of Kallengode
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Rajaji National Park
(wild) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 4 births7 relocated1 deathsHaridwar
(map) Uttarakhand
Rajapalayam Animal Care Trust
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsRajapalayamVirudhunagar
Rajarajeshwara Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKannur
(map) Kerala
Rajendra Kumar Sharma
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsAjmer
(map) Rajasthan
Rajkamal Circus
(circus) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 4 present (1,3) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPunjab
Rajkumar Elephant Service & Wedding Charat
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKumbakonam
(map) Tamil Nadu
Rajmahal Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsHamirpur Uttar Pradesh
Raman Namboodiri (Puthillathu Mana)
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPerumbavoor
Ramanagara district forest
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Ramapura camp
(camp) Kept totally 30 elephants
, 18 present (6,11) 2 births8 relocated4 deathsBandipur
(map) Karnataka
Rambo Circus
(circus) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsBangalore
(map) Karnataka
Ramesh Lekhraj Pandey
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsPune Maharashtra
Rameshchandra Pandey
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsLucknow Uttar Pradesh
Rameswaram Arulmighu Ramanathaswamy temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsRameshwaram, Tamil Nadu
Ramkola rescue and rehabilitation centre
(hospital) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsSurajpur Chhattisgarh
Ramnagar Fort Varanasi (Benares)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsVaranasi
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Ratheesh Chandran
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThodupuzha
(map)Idukki district
Rati Ram Maharaj Goswami
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deaths
Raveendran Nair
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKottayam Kerala
Rektha Kanda Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsOmalloor, Pathanamthitta District Karnataka
Renganathar Swamy temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsSrirangam
(map) Tamil Nadu
RESQ Centre & Hospital
(hospital) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsPune
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Russian Empire Circus
(circus) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 5 present (2,3) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
S. Anitha
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsAlappuzha
(map) Kerala
S. K. Jayachandran
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPerumpazhuthur
(map) Kerala
S.A.M. Circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKakinada Andhra Pradesh
Saba Shankar Pandey
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated4 deathsMumbai
Sabarimala Sree Ayyappa Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsSabarimala Karnataka
Saddik Khan
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Sahakari Spice Farm
(private) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPonda Goa
Sakaleshpura forest
(wild) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births0 relocated0 deathsHassan forest divisionHassan district
Sakrebyle elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 49 elephants
, 22 present (5,12) 13 births16 relocated11 deathsShivamogga
(map) Karnataka
Saleem Khan
(private) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsThattekkadu Kerala
Salim Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur
(map) Rajastan
Salukapur camp (Dudhwa National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 2 present (0,2) 1 births0 relocated1 deathsDudhwa National Park
(map) Uttar Pradesh
Samayapuram Sri Mariamman Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsThiruchirapalli
(map) Tamil Nadu
Sankarankulangara temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsPunkunnam, Thrissur
Sanku pillai
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsThevappuram
Sarathi Anjaneya Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsDavanagere Karnataka
Sasidhar C S
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Sathya Sai Baba (Sathyanarayana Raju)
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsPuttaparthi
(map) Guwahati
Satkosia Tiger Reserve
(wild) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 2 births1 relocated1 deathsHakimapada
(map)Angul district Odisha
Satkosia Tiger Reserve elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 2 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsHakimapada
(map)Angul district Odisha
Satpura elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsBhopal Madhya Pradesh
Satpura elephant camp (Hoshangabad)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsHoshangabad Madhya Pradesh
Saundatti unspecified temple
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsSaundatti Belgaum district, Karnataka
Sepahijala Wildlife sanctuary elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsBishalgarhSipahijala district Tripura
Sepahijala Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsTripura Northeast India
Shabbir Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur
Shafiq Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Shahid Khan
(private) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsJaipur
Sheik Mohammed
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Sher Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Shibu Joseph
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsChettampalam
(map)Wayanad district, Mananthavady Kerala
Shiltorsha elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsDooars, Jalpaiguri District North Bengal
Shivamogga Vasavi Public School
(educational institution) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births3 relocated0 deathsShivamogga Karnataka
Shoaib Ali
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur
Shree Jagadguru Rambhapuri Veerasimhasan Mahasamsthan Peetha
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBalehonnur Karnataka
Shri Jagadguru Fakireshwar Temple (Sri Jagatguru Pakkireshwara Samsthana Mutt)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsShirahatti Karnataka
Shri Kshetra Dharmasthala Manjunatha Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 2 present (0,2) 1 births0 relocated2 deathsBeltangady
(map) Karnataka
Shri Panchayati Akhada Mahanirvani temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsHaridwar
(map) Uttarakhand
Shringeri temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsChikkamagalur Karnataka
Shyam Gupta family
(private) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsJaipur
(map) Rajastan
Sidhi elephant camp (Sanjay National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
(map) Madhya Pradesh
Sijusa elephant camp (Nameri National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsSonitpur district
(map) Assam
Sildubi elephant camp (Kaziranga)
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKaziranga National Park
(map) Assam
Similpal Wildlife Sanctuary elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsBaripada
(map) Odisha
Singeswar Fair
(dealer) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsMadhepura district Bihar
Sirajul Islam
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Sironcha forest range divison
(camp) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsGadchiroli District, Maharashtra
Siruguppa temple with unknown name
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsSiruguppa Karnataka
Sitamarhi Ashram
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsVaranasi
Smiling Tusker Elephant Camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsManas National Park Assam
Sonepur Fair
(dealer) Kept totally 44 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births44 relocated0 deathsOrissa
Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsCochi Kerala
Sree Thirumandhamkunnu Bhagavathi Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsAngadipuram, Perinthalmanna
(map) Kerala
Sreekanteswaram Mahadeva Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Sri 108 Acharya Keshu Bhusan Trust
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsBelgaum Karnataka
Sri Humcha Padmavathi Devi Jain Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsHumcha, Shimoga District Karnataka
Sri Kollur Mookambika temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsKollur, Kundapur Taluk, Karnataka
Sri Meenakshi Sundareswarar Amman temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsMadurai Tamil-Nadu
Sri Nageri mana Vasudevan Namboothiri
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsGuruvayoor
(map) Kerala
Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsTiruchirappalli
(map)Tiruchirappalli district Tamil Nadu
Sri Shanthisagar Maharaj Shanthisagar Chatra Ashram
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsShedbal Karnataka
Sripuram Government Veterinary Polyclinic
(hospital) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsTirunelveli City Tamil Nadu
Srivilliputhur Andal temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsSrivilliputhurVirudhunagar district Tamil Nadu
Sulebhavi Shree Mahalaxmi Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBelgaum Karnataka
Sunapur village
(village) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsBerhampur
(map)Ganjam district Odisha East India
Sundar Menon
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Sungam elephant camp (Anaimalai)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths
Sunil Kumar P
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsKollam
(map) Kerala
Sunkadakatte elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 4 births8 relocated1 deathsNagarhole National Park
Suttur Mutt
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsNanjangudu Taluk Karnataka
Swaminarayan Akshardham temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNew Delhi
(map)North East Delhi
Swastishri Jinsen Bhattarak Pattachary Mahaswamy
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsNandani
(map)Kolhapur Maharashtra
T. Ansari
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
T. K. Aboobacker
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKozhikode
(map) Kerala
T.R. Raghulal
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsChembukkavu
(map) Kerala
Tala gate elephant camp (Bandhavgarh National Park)
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsBandhavgarh National Park
(map)Umaria district Madhya Pradesh Central India
Tamil Nadu unspecified location
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 2 births3 relocated0 deaths Tamil Nadu
Tata Steel zoological park
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsJamshedpur
Temple of Sri Radha Madhava (Krishna world headquarters)
(temple) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated2 deathsMayapur West Bengal
Thanjavur Brihadishvara temple (Rajarajesvaram or Peruvudaiyar Kovil)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsThanjavur
(map) Tamil Nadu
Thanjavur Veterinary College and Research Institute
(hospital) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 1 births0 relocated0 deathsThanjavur Tamil Nadu
The Art Of Living International Center (Sri Ravi Shankars Ashram)
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsBengaluru
(map) Karnataka
Thechikkottukavu Peramangalthu Devaswom
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Thekkady Elephant Junction camp
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKumily
(map)Idukki district Kerala
Thekkampatti elephant rejuvenation camp
(camp) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated2 deathsMettupalayam
(map)Coimbatore District Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
Theppakadu Mudumalai Forest Camp (MFC)
(camp) Kept totally 65 elephants
, 26 present (19,5) 14 births19 relocated20 deathsUdhagamandalam
(map) Tamil Nadu
Thiruchendur Subramanya Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated1 deathsThiruchendur
(map) Tamil Nadu
Thirunallar Saneeswaran Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKaraikal Pondicherri, Tamil-Nadu
Thiruthani Subramanya Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMadurai
(map) Tamil Nadu
Thiruvambadi Devaswom temple
(temple) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 3 present (3,0) 0 births0 relocated5 deathsThrissur
Thiruvithamcore Devaswam Board
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKollam Kerala
Thiruvullakkavu Sree Dharma Sastha Temple
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur district Kerala
Tholpetty Elephant Camp (North Wayanad)
(camp) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMananthawady, Wayanad district Kerala
Thomas Baby
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
Thomas George
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsIdukki
(map) Kerala
Thrissur Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur
(map) Kerala
Thungru Kohora elephant camp (Kaziranga)
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births2 relocated2 deathsKaziranga National Park
(map) Assam
Tirupati Sri Venkateswara Zoological Park
(zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsTirupati
(map) Andhra Pradesh
Tirupati Venkateswara Temple (Tirumala temple)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsTirumala Andhra Pradesh
Tiruvannamalai district
(wild) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 6 births6 relocated0 deathsTiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu
Top Slip Kozhikkamuthy Elephant camp (Annaimalai)
(camp) Kept totally 50 elephants
, 19 present (10,8) 7 births21 relocated10 deathsPollachi
(map) Tamil Nadu
Travancore Devaswom Board (TDB)
(temple) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 2 present (2,0) 0 births3 relocated4 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
Trivandrum Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 6 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births5 relocated1 deathsThiruvananthapuram
(map) Kerala
U.P. Krishnankutty
(private) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 8 present (8,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThrissur Kerala
Udaipur unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 4 births2 relocated1 deathsUdaipur Rajasthan
Udupi Sri Krishna Matha
(temple) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsUdupi
(map) Karnataka
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
V. K. Sudhi
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKottayam
(map) Kerala
V. M. Anzari
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsIdukki
(map) Kerala
V. M. Rajappan
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (0,2) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKakkavail
(map)Wayanad district Kerala Western Ghats
V. V. Abootty
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (1,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKannur
(map)Kannur District Kerala North Malabar
Vadakkoot Haridas
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsPalakkad
(map) Kerala
Vahid Khan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsJaipur Rajastan
Vaitheeswaran Koil temple (Pullirukkuvelur)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsVaitheeswaran Koil
Vala Subramaniya Swamy Temple (Virudhunagar)
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsVirudhunagar
(map) Tamil Nadu
Valiya Raja of Nilambur
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKerala
Varagaliar elephant camp
(camp) Kept totally 12 elephants
, 7 present (4,3) 0 births2 relocated3 deathsPollachi
(map) Tamil Nadu
Varikkassery Mana
(temple) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsVaniyamkulam-II
(map) Kerala
Vazhaithottam check post elephant kraal
(camp) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Venus Circus (Maharaja Circus)
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Vethalan Kavu Mahadeva Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsKrishnapuramAlappuzha district Kerala
Vimalan Radhakrishnan
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsMadurai
(map)Madurai district Tamil Nadu
Virupaksha Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsHampi
(map) Karnataka
Vizag Zoo (Indira Gandhi Zoological Park)
(zoo) Kept totally 7 elephants
, 4 present (2,2) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsVisakhapatnam
(map) Andhra Pradesh
Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary
(wild) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 3 births3 relocated1 deathsSulthan Bathery
(map)Wayanad district Kerala
Wazid Khan
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deathsJaipur
(map) Rajastan
West Bengal Unspecified location
(private) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated0 deaths
Western Ghats
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deaths
(map) Kerala
Wonderla Amusement Park (Veega Land)
(zoo) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsErnakulam
(map) Kerala
Yamai Devi Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsAundh, Satara district
(map) Maharashtra
Yamuna Bridge elephant camp (New Delhi)
(camp) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deathsNew Delhi
Yediyur Siddhalingeshwara Swamy Temple
(temple) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 1 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsYadiyur
(map)Tumakur District Karnataka
Yusuf Ali
(private) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deathsNew Delhi