Elephant locations in Angola

3 locations has kept elephants in Angola

There is presently 0 (0,0) living elephants in locations in Angola in this database

Region: Angola is in this database included in africa
Wild elephants: Angola has about 246 (2006)wild elephants. Source:Liv Emma Thorsen, 2012
Location holdings: 3 locations has kept 2 elephants in Angola

(Database tables with collection of elephants further down on the page)
Elephants in locations0 (0,0) living 2 (2,0) dead
There were about 12,400 elephants in the country in 1981 compared to 246 in 2006.

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan, Facts about elephants in Angola. Elephant Encyclopedia, (2024) available online retrieved 2024-12-08 at https://www.elephant.se/country.php?name=Angola.
(archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources, among others

Internal relevant links

NameElephant collectionPlace
Cuando River region
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Huila Province
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births0 relocated1 deaths
(map) Huila Province
Kissama National Park (Parque Nacional da Quissama)
(wild) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deaths