Elephant locations in Ivory Coast

3 locations has kept elephants in Ivory Coast

There is presently 2 (1,1) living elephants in locations in Ivory Coast in this database

Ivory Coast
Region: Ivory Coast is in this database included in africa
Location holdings: 3 locations has kept 8 elephants in Ivory Coast

(Database tables with collection of elephants further down on the page)
Elephants in locations2 (1,1) living 6 (2,4) dead
Ivory Coast, also known as Cote divoire, officially the Republic of Cote divoire, is a country located on the south coast of West Africa. Ivory Coasts political capital is Yamoussoukro in the centre of the country, while its economic capital and largest city is the port city of Abidjan.

In precolonial and colonial times, Cote divoire probably hosted one of the largest elephant populations in West Africa, resulting in the countrys name, which translates to Ivory Coast.

1990: By the early 1990s, the total number of savanna and forest elephants in the entire country was estimated to be less than 360.

2020-10-14: Recent years have witnessed a widespread and catastrophic decline in the number of forest elephants in protected areas in Ivory Coast, according to a study. Of the 25 protected areas surveyed, elephant presence was confirmed in only four areas, where elephant density was low.

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan, Facts about elephants in Ivory Coast. Elephant Encyclopedia, (2024) available online retrieved 2024-09-08 at https://www.elephant.se/country.php?name=Ivory Coast.
(archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources, among others

Internal relevant links

NameElephant collectionPlace
Abidjan Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 2 present (1,1) 2 births0 relocated6 deathsAbidjan
Assagny National Park
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births1 relocated0 deathsGrand-Lahou
Tai National Park
(wild) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths