Alison is a living Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the Amboseli National Park, in Kenya.
Alison arrived to the Amboseli National Park unknown date,
Alison lives together with 164 other elephants at the Amboseli National Park:
Alison was born wild 1962 at Amboseli National Park.
1976: On August 11, I recorded Alison with a new calf, her first. Both Amy and Alison's calves died in September 1976. 1977-1979: Alison was seen in oestrus in March 1977 and gave birth to a daughter in January 1979. 1988: Abigail and Agatha had calves who survived in January 1987 and Alison had a healthy calf in January 1988. Alison's son born in 1983 was speared and died in April 1988. 1990: on November 8, 1990, Alison's daughter, Astrid, gave birth, and cameraman, Martyn Colbeck, and I were able to watch and film the whole thing. Unfortunately, this calf was stillborn, but the behaviour around the birth and the subsequent discovery by the other elephants that the calf was dead was fascinating. (It made an important sequence in our film "Echo of the Elephants".) Astrid herself seemed completely shocked at the calf lying in its birth sack. She backed away from it. A few minutes later her mother Alison came and carefully felt and smelled it but she seemed to know right away that it was dead. Eventually she went off with the others, but Astrid stayed by herself with the dead calf all night and into the next day. 1991: In the meantime during 1991 there were two successful births: Abigail and Alison both had sons. 1993: in 1993 there were two births: Alison's daughter Astrid, whom we filmed giving birth to the stillborn calf in 1990, produced a healthy female calf. 2006: With Amy gone the AAs went through another period of confused leadership but eventually the next oldest female, Alison, took over as Matriarch. At 44 years old at the beginning of 2006, Alison was wise and experienced and she appeared to be an excellent leader. She was also a successful mother. Since her first calf was born in 1976 when she was 14, Alison had given birth to seven more calves. Only two of her eight calves had died: the first born during the terrible 1976 drought and her third born due to spearing. Of the remaining six, four were females and two males. Both males had gone independent and were out in the world of Adult bulls. Her female offspring have stayed close to her and have made her a grandmother. 2010: Towards the end of the drought I honestly did not believe Alison would make it. She was so thin. Now all the bones that had jutted out before were covered in flesh. Her granddaughter, the calf born in April this year to Artemis, was sticking close to her, which was a good thing.
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