Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Chester Zoo in United Kingdom

dead elephant ☨ ♀ Karha  dead elephant



Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:Female ♀ 2 years old
Born:* 1995-12-19 captive-born
Birth place: in Chester Zoo

Parents: Chang x ♀ Thi Ha Way
Dead: 1997-05-25
Death reason: unknown:
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Chester Zoo, in United Kingdom

Date of arrival

Chester Zoo
Record history
History of updates2023-12-17

Latest document update2020-10-18 06:25:24
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† Karha is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 1997-05-25 at Chester Zoo, in United Kingdom, .


Karha was born captive-born 1995-12-19 at Chester Zoo.


Parents of Karha are: ♂ Chang (father) and ♀ Thi Ha Way (mother).

Siblings through the father Chang:

  1. -- † 2012 () stillborn fetus still in utero
  2. 1993-09-09 -- † 1993-09-09 (F) killed
  3. 1997-12-31 -- † 2018-09-07 (F) Sithami
  4. 1998-04-25 -- † 1998-04-25 (M) stillborn
  5. 1998-08-06(F) Tara
  6. 1998-08-27(F) Karishma
  7. 2000-07-18(M) Po Chin
  8. 2000-10-07(M) Assam
  9. 2004-03-05 -- † 2004-03-05 (F) stillborn
  10. 2004-10-10 -- † 2017-10-30 (M) Tunga
  11. 2008-05-04 -- † 2015-11-30 (F) Jade
  12. 2009-05-00 -- † 2009-05-00 (F) miscarriage
  13. 2010-11-01 -- † 2010-11-01 () stillborn
  14. 2014-03-19(M) Tom
  15. 2015-05-20 -- † 2015-05-20 (M) Baby Q
  16. 2015-06-16 -- † 2018-05-27 (F) Qiyo
  17. 2017-12-25(F) Suki
  18. 2018-01-13(F) Tun Kai
  19. 2018-04-11 -- † 2018-06-26 (M) Tarzen
  20. 2020-10-01(F) Mun

Siblings through the mother Thi Ha Way:

  1. 1993-09-09 - † 1993-09-09 (F) killed
  2. 1997-12-31 - † 2018-09-07 (F) Sithami
  3. 2000-10-07(M) Assam
  4. 2004-03-05 - † 2004-03-05 (F) stillborn
  5. 2006-11-12 - † 2009-07-23 (M) Raman
  6. 2011-01-22 - † 2013-06-03? (F) Jamilah Hi Way
  7. 2015-08-20 - † 2018-10-25 (F) Nandita
  8. 2018-05-17(M) Anjan Hi Way


Karhas ancestral Pedigree:


Sire (f):

Born: 1981-11-10

Sire ff:
Chieng Mai

Born: 1959
Sire fff:
Dame ffm:
Dame fm:

Born: 1970
Sire fmf:
Dame fmm:

Dame m:
Thi Ha Way

Born: 1982

Sire mf:

Sire mff:
Dame mfm:
Dame mm:

Sire mmf:
Dame mmm:

Comments / pictures

Karha was handreared.

On the morning of 19.12.95 parturition started and the veterinary personnel were alerted at 4.40 a.m. Due to the speed of the parturition, the keeping staff had no time in which to safely chain and rope Thai , as per the protocol during the 'false' parturition signs of 2.10.95. Birth of a full term, female calf, "Karha" occurred at 4.56 a.m. Thai yet again became extremely aggressive towards her calf, but fortunately the calf was retrieved by the keeping staff after Thai had kicked it with her hind feet, causing it to slide under the bars into the adjacent pen, where the staff pulled it to safety. Due to Thai's persistent, aggressive behaviour, it was deemed impossible to reintroduce the calf back to her. The long and dedicated round the clock process of hand-rearing by the keeping staff was about to begin.
Derek G Lyon, BVSC MRCVS, Chester Zoo

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). Karha, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Chester Zoo in United Kingdom. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 10 February 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=1600. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories1997 deaths | 1995 births | With Pedigree | Elephants from Chester Zoo | United Kingdom | Asian elephants

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