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Pumbi African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) at Pretoria Zoo in South Africa Biography
† Pumbi is a dead Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana ) , , who died 2012-04-03 at Pretoria Zoo , in South Africa , . Official death reason described as respiratory distress, collapsed. pneumonia.
Offspring (F) 2011-03-21 -- † 2011-04-11 Lerato (Deneo) Origin
Pumbi was born wild 1985? at Kruger National Park .
Comments / pictures Contradictory records:
Earlier sources stated 1987-03-12 as arrival in the zoo.
2012-03-03: Two weeks ago the NZG’s veterinarians started treating Pumbi for a suspected infection of the Uterus
and she was placed on a course of antibiotics. A later scan of the Uterus
repudiated this diagnosis, but at this stage Pumbi had started to display signs of respiratory distress. Her Medication
was continued but her failing health complicated her treatment.
“As Pumbi’s food intake was sporadic it made administering the drugs very difficult,” said Dr Ian Espie, the NZG’s chief veterinarian. “At times we were able to hide it in treats for her,” he added, “but the weekend’s cold and rainy weather exacerbated her condition.” On Tuesday morning at 07:45 Pumbi collapsed in her enclosure. The preliminary cause of death appears to be bronchi pneumonia but a Necropsy
will be conducted to confirm this diagnosis.
Reference list References Koehl, Dan, (2025). Pumbi, African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana ) located at Pretoria Zoo in South Africa . Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 14 February 2025 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others:
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Categories 2012 deaths | 1985 births | Breeding cows | Elephants from Pretoria Zoo | South Africa | African savanna elephants
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