Jake is a living Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Denver Zoo, in United States.
Jake arrived in 2018-10-08 to the Denver Zoo, relocated from the African Lion Safari (Ontario), in Canada.
Jake lives together with 5 other elephants at the Denver Zoo:
The North American Regional Studbook does not yet include this elephant. The database will be updated when it is given a number for the SSP.
Jake was conceived through artificial insemination and born captive-born 2009-11-02 at African Lion Safari (Ontario).
Sire (f):RexBorn: 1968
Dame m:NatashaBorn: 1994-02-27
Jake was the first elephant born via Artificial insemination in Canada. He was the thirteenth elephant born at African Lion Safari and brought the Herd size to sixteen.
(The name Jake is already submitted into the link, just click on the link for relevant results)