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Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Stockholm Zoo (Skansen) in Sweden

dead elephant ☨ ♀ Bambina  dead elephant
Bambina at Hällestadsstapeln in the 50s, Skansen Zoo in Stockholm.<br />The young rider at the elephants neck is Sven-Arne Borg, son to head elephantkeeper Sven Borg.
Bambina at Hällestadsstapeln in the 50s, Skansen Zoo in Stockholm.
The young rider at the elephants neck is Sven-Arne Borg, son to head elephantkeeper Sven Borg.
Taxidermy locationSwedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), Stockholm, Sweden


Museum accession number NRM ??
EEP nr3710


Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:Female ♀ 30 years old
Body weight: 5830.00 kg, 12826.00 lbs
Born:* 1937 wild
Birth place: in Myanmar unspecified location
Imported:1938? by Firma Carl Hagenbeck
Dead: 1967-01-22
Death reason: disease: sepsis foot problems
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Stockholm Zoo (Skansen), in Sweden

Date of arrival

1939-04-27Stockholm Zoo (Skansen)
from Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)

Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Stellingen)
from Firma Carl Hagenbeck

Firma Carl Hagenbeck
from Myanmar unspecified location

Record history
History of updates2021-12-25

Latest document update2021-09-16 18:23:51
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† Bambina is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 1967-01-22 at Stockholm Zoo (Skansen), in Sweden, . Official death reason described as sepsis foot problems.

Museum locationThe Museum specimen remains of this animal is within the collection at Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), in Stockholm, Sweden, since 1967-01-22.


Bambina was born wild 1937 at Myanmar unspecified location. and imported 1938? by Firma Carl Hagenbeck

Comments / pictures

Bambina was among the largest and heaviest asian elephant cows in Europe ever. In 1967, she became severe promlems with a nail, and finally died in blood-poisoning, after some months when she lost weight. Her shoulder height was aproximately 2.97 meters, weight 5 830 kgs half a year before her death, so in her prime she was probably over six ton, which may be a record in europe for an asian cow. Bambina was wild born in Burma, and came to Skansen via Hagenbecks Zoo in Hamburg, as exchange for a european bison bull.

Bambina in Stockholm Zoo (Skansen)

Bambina in front of Lunkentuss , zookeeper Tore Glemmefors

Bambina in Stockholm Zoo (Skansen)

Dead Bambina at SVA, Stockholm, 1967

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). Bambina, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Stockholm Zoo (Skansen) in Sweden. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 15 February 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories1967 deaths | Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) Taxidermy | 1937 births | Born in Myanmar | EEP | 1938 imports | Elephants from Stockholm Zoo (Skansen) | Sweden | Asian elephants

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