† Boy is a dead Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 2010-04-26 at Kiev Zoo, in Ukraine, . Official death reason described as poisoned?.
Boy was born unknown 1969.
Contradictory records: The EEG stated arrival In Kiev 1972-08-08 is most probably wrong. 2009-12-09: Shoulderheight: 3.45 metres? (not confirmed?). 2009-12-09: Arrival in Kiev 1972-12-07 confirmed. In Kiev listed as captive-born. 2010-04-26: died, according to the Zoo in Kiev, poisoned. 2010-04-27: Some remain skeptical about the poisoning theory. 2010-04-28: Whether Boy, the Kyiv municipal zoos only elephant, died on April 26 from poisoning or simply from poor care, is part of an ongoing investigation. Is said to have killed 2 keepers and crushed one more.
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