Carson and Barnes Circus

3 persons which may match your search Carson and Barnes Circus on this website.

NoNameTypeLast update
1Dores Millerassistant director2021-12-04 11:31:18
2Kennedy Swainartist2022-05-29 04:03:05
3Patricia Whiteanimal trainer2023-09-17 14:32:20

No page with the name Carson and Barnes Circus in the database. !

3 locations which may match your search Carson and Barnes Circus in the elephant database.

1Carson and Barnes CircuscircusHugo
2Circus World MuseumcircusBaraboo, Wisconsin
3Kelly Miller CircuscircusHugo

7 elephants with keyword Carson and Barnes Circus mentioned in the database

1Dixie EMFwilddead1954 x Kelly Miller Circus1946-00-00
2Fannie EMFwilddead1956 x Kelly Miller Circus1951-00-00
3Hattie (Haddie) EMFwilddead1941-03-11 x Kelly Miller Circus1940-01-01
4Jess EMwilddead x Kelly Miller Circus1948-00-00
5Mena EMFwilddead1943-10-25 x Kelly Miller Circus1941-00-00
6Mona 409EMFwild1968dead1994-10-18 x Mesker Park Zoo1994-10-12
7Norma (June) EMFwilddead x Kelly Miller Circus1950-00-00

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Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest