Circus Finlandia

No person with the name Circus Finlandia in the database. !

No page with the name Circus Finlandia in the database. !

2 locations which may match your search Circus Finlandia in the elephant database.

1Circus FinlandiacircusMustio
2Josef Gärtnerprivate

10 elephants with keyword Circus Finlandia mentioned in the database

1Bimbo EMMwild1969dead x Josef Gärtner1980-00-00
2Douglas LAMwilddead x Josef Gärtner
3Dum-Dum EMFwilddead x Josef Gärtner
4Hannibal EMMwilddead1985-12-24 x Josef Gärtner
5India EMFunknown1959dead1997? x Josef Gärtner1997-00-00
6Jumani (Diamond) EMFdead x Josef Gärtner
7Sabu (Sabi) EMFwilddead x Josef Gärtner1979-00-00
8Samba EMMunknown1970?dead x Circus Arena (Alois Köllner)
9Toni (Tonny) EMFwilddead x Josef Gärtner
10Vanni 7310 LAFwild1973dead2006-08 x Nikolaev Zoo2005-10-03

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest