Circus Probst

No person with the name Circus Probst in the database. !

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2 locations which may match your search Circus Probst in the elephant database.

1Circus ProbstcircusStaßfurt
2Magdeburg ZoozooMagdeburg

8 elephants with keyword Circus Probst mentioned in the database

1Birma 7303 EMF1969dead2018-09-05 x Magdeburg Zoo1973-01-08
2Dacca EMFwild1967dead1986-07-04 x Magdeburg Zoo1972-11-10
3Kando 200700 LAMcaptive-born2007-05-20PCTembo x PoriMagdeburg Zoo2018-07-12
4Kati 5906 EMFwild1958dead1972-01-02 x Magdeburg Zoo1961-06-21
5Mwana Mashona 8205 LAFwild1982FC x Magdeburg Zoo1983-12-22
6Sari EMFwild1967dead1983-07-15 x Magdeburg Zoo1972-06-23
7Sonja EMFwild1956dead1971-07-30 x Magdeburg Zoo1960-10-07
8Sweni 9303 LAFwild1993FC x Magdeburg Zoo2024-05-03

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest