George Hanneford Sr.

No person with the name George Hanneford Sr. in the database. !

No page with the name George Hanneford Sr. in the database. !

2 locations which may match your search George Hanneford Sr. in the elephant database.

1Hanneford Family CircuscircusSarasota, FL
2Royal Hanneford Circus (Tommy Hanneford)circus

7 elephants with keyword George Hanneford Sr. mentioned in the database

1Chandra EMFwilddead2002 x Royal Hanneford Circus (Tommy Hanneford)1972-00-00
2Delki EMFwilddead1979 x Hanneford Family Circus1973-00-00
3Ina EMFwild1962dead2007 x Royal Hanneford Circus (Tommy Hanneford)
4Jennifer EMFwilddead x Hanneford Family Circus1974-00-00
5Tanya I EMFunknown1964?dead1973 x Hanneford Family Circus1973-00-00
6Tina EMFwild1969dead2009 x Royal Hanneford Circus (Tommy Hanneford)1983-00-00
7Trumpet EMFwild1970dead1982-06-07 x Royal Hanneford Circus (Tommy Hanneford)1976-00-00

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Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest