Hermann Ruhe III

1 persons which may match your search Hermann Ruhe III on this website.

NoNameTypeLast update
1Hermann Ruheanimal trader2023-11-21 16:33:19

No page with the name Hermann Ruhe III in the database. !

1 locations which may match your search Hermann Ruhe III in the elephant database.

1Firma RuhedealerAlfeld

12 elephants with keyword Hermann Ruhe III mentioned in the database

1Birma I (Hamburg, Hamburk) 0502 EMFwild1905-00-00dead x Firma Ruhe1943-09-30
2Chang I 2402 EMMwild1924dead x Firma Ruhe1934-09-01
3Hannolore 3701 EMFcaptive-born1938-09-05deadOmar x Birma I (Hamburg, Hamburk)Firma Ruhe1943-00-00
4Heera Cull 2702 EMFwilddead x Firma Ruhe1938-04-04
5Henny 3704 EMFwild1937dead x Firma Ruhe1938-00-00
6Indra II 3705 EMFwild1937dead x Firma Ruhe1938-00-00
7Jenny II 3606 EMFwild1911dead1943-11-22 x Firma Ruhe1939-00-00
8Kala 3514 EMFwild1935dead x Firma Ruhe1947-12-16
9Mally EMFdead x Firma Ruhe1931-06-03
10Ö 2404 EMMwild1924-02-24dead x Firma Ruhe1934-07-16
11Puncha 3003 EMFwilddead x Firma Ruhe1943-00-00
12Puppe LAFwild1929dead x Firma Ruhe1932-08-00

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest