Munich Zoo

2 persons which may match your search Munich Zoo on this website.

NoNameTypeLast update
1Josef Hackelephant trainer2021-11-09 08:06:13
2Hans Wernerelephant head-keeper2021-11-11 20:08:15

No page with the name Munich Zoo in the database. !

3 locations which may match your search Munich Zoo in the elephant database.

1Circus KniecircusRapperswil
2Kronberg Opel ZoozooKronberg
3Munich ZoozooMunich

38 elephants with keyword Munich Zoo mentioned in the database

1Afrika 6502 LAFcaptive-born1965-08-28dead1982Vauka x OpelineKronberg Opel Zoo1965-08-28
2Afrikano 6808 LAMcaptive-born1968-04-15dead1981Vauka x OpelineKronberg Opel Zoo1968-04-15
3Ali LAMwild1980dead2004-01-19 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1983-06-24
4Anna 6001 LAFwild1960dead2000-01-24 x Vienna Zoo1993-06-15
5Aruba 7902 LAFwild1979dead2020-03-11 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1981-09-17
6Boy 1003 EMMwild1910dead1938-02-00 x Munich Zoo1929-00-00
7Buby (Bubi) LAMwilddead1930 x Circus Kludsky1920-00-00
8Ceylon EMFwilddead1963 x Circus Knie
9Christina 20047 LAFcaptive-born2006-06-18NCChisco x KiraKronberg Opel Zoo2023-06-16
10Claudia EMFwilddead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
11Contess EMFunknowndead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
12Conti LAMwild1955dead1971-05-00 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1955-06-01
13Dicky EMFwilddead x Circus Knie
14Dirndl EMFunknown1966?dead2004-08-25 x Kiev Zoo1998-08-04
15Frieda EMFdead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
16Gajendra 9302 EMMcaptive-born1993-04-30PC x Munich Zoo2017-03-29
17Herta EMFdead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
18Java 5302 EMFwild1951dead1996 x Circus Knie1953-00-00
19Kariba 20042 LAFcaptive-born2006-03-17PCTembo x Saba (Sabah)Kronberg Opel Zoo2020-08-26
20Lilak 7106 LAFwild1971PC x Kronberg Opel Zoo2020-08-26
21Lohimi 8516 EMFcaptive-born1985-05-24dead1988-07-21Maxi x Claudy (Claudia)Circus Knie
22Madura EMFcaptive-born1965-08-04dead1984-06-21Siam x JavaCircus Knie
23Mary EMFunknowndead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
24Maundy EMFunknowndead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
25Max 8310 EMMwild1968dead1997-04-30 x Munich Zoo1983-06-09
26Miniak 5101 EMFwild1951dead2004-11-11 x Circus Knie1953-00-00
27Neco 202101 LAMcaptive-born2021-01-08PC x ChristinaKronberg Opel Zoo2023-06-16
28Opeline 5201 LAFwild1952dead1993-06-14 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1955-06-01
29Rani EMFdead x Circus Knie1944-00-00
30Rosa EMFwilddead1974-08-22 x Circus Knie1928-00-00
31Sandry EMFwild~1934dead1987-07-10 x Circus Knie1938-08-10
32Tamo 200800 LAMcaptive-born2008-01-13FCTusker x SweniKronberg Opel Zoo2013-04-17
33Tarka EMFwild1911dead1949-12-00 x Circus Knie1944-00-00
34Toto LAFwild1964dead1992-03-00 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1982-12-14
35unknown EMFunknowndead x Circus Knie
36Vauka 5501 LAMwild1955dead1977-10-00 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1955-06-01
37Wankie 8207 LAFwild1982dead2014-11-16 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1984-03-13
38Zimba 8208 LAFwild1982dead2021-04-10 x Kronberg Opel Zoo1984-03-13

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest