Paul Busch Jr.

4 persons which may match your search Paul Busch Jr. on this website.

NoNameTypeLast update
1Paula Buschdirector2021-11-10 13:04:43
2Constance Buschdirector2021-11-10 13:35:08
3Emil Wackerdirector2021-11-10 13:48:24
4Hans Strassburgeranimal trainer2021-11-15 11:47:45

No page with the name Paul Busch Jr. in the database. !

2 locations which may match your search Paul Busch Jr. in the elephant database.

1Circus Busch (Paul Busch)circus
2Circus Strassburgercircus

2 elephants with keyword Paul Busch Jr. mentioned in the database

1Bambina EMFwild>1907dead1927 x Circus Strassburger
2Jenny EMFwilddead x Circus Strassburger

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest