Toledo Zoo

2 persons which may match your search Toledo Zoo on this website.

NoNameTypeLast update
1Michael Raddatzelephant keeper2022-02-26 14:06:37
2Don Redfoxelephant keeper2023-02-25 14:38:33

No page with the name Toledo Zoo in the database. !

1 locations which may match your search Toledo Zoo in the elephant database.

1Toledo ZoozooToledo, Ohio

10 elephants with keyword Toledo Zoo mentioned in the database

1Amber T2005EMFwild1949dead1981-04-22 x Toledo Zoo1952-07-20
2Babe (York, Chief) EMMwild1877dead1943 x Toledo Zoo1912-00-00
3Boomba I T2010EMFwilddead x Eloise Berchtold1971-00-00
4Emma (Wally) 423EMFwild1971FC x Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation
5Kirkja 0000?LAFcaptive-born2024-02-17PC x ReneeToledo Zoo2024-02-17
6Louie 526LAMcaptive-born2003-04-30PCBulwagi x ReneeNorth Carolina Zoo2021-06-03
7Lucas 00LAMcaptive-born2011-06-03dead2021-04-10?Jack (Jackson) x ReneeToledo Zoo2011-06-03
8Renee 182LAFwild1979PC x Toledo Zoo1982-06-28
9Tembo (Loren) 181LAFwild1979dead1994-12-20 x Toledo Zoo1982-06-28
10Twiggy 473LAFwild1985PC x Toledo Zoo2010-02-14

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest