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Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen

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2 locations which may match your search Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen in the elephant database.

1Emmen ZoozooEmmen
2Wildlands Adventure Zoo EmmenzooEmmen

14 elephants with keyword Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen mentioned in the database

1Annabel (Tessa) 6606 EMFwild1964dead2009-03-01 x Emmen Zoo1966-05-20
2Bo Gyi 9205 EMMcaptive-born1992-06-01dead1993-07-01Naing Thein x Yu ZinEmmen Zoo1992-06-01
3Htoo Kin Aye 8102 EMFwild1981-04-01dead2012-06-11 x Emmen Zoo1988-06-27
4Kan Yome 9401 EMMcaptive-born1994-05-29dead1994-05-30Naing Thein x Khaing Lwin HtooEmmen Zoo1994-05-29
5Katinka (Tinka,Tinca) EMFwild1933dead1961-07-03 x Emmen Zoo1939-05-31
6miscarriage 200804 EMcaptive-born2008-03-07dead2008-03-07Radsch x Swe San ThayEmmen Zoo2008-03-07
7noname 201001 EMMcaptive-born2010-02-17dead2010-02-17Radsch x Swe San ThayEmmen Zoo2010-02-17
8Oelie EMFwilddead1938-10-00 x Emmen Zoo1936-00-00
9Radsch 6801 EMMwild1967dead2013-10-01 x Emmen Zoo2003-10-03
10Sheila (Stella) EMFwild1933dead x Emmen Zoo1939-05-31
11stillborn 202011? (EEP nr N/A) EMFcaptive-born2020-07-16dead2020-07-16Mekong x Ma Ya YeeEmmen Zoo2020-07-16
12Swe San Thay 7904 EMFcaptive-born1979-11-28dead2010-02-17 x Emmen Zoo1988-06-27
13Thura 201207 EMMcaptive-born2012-05-22dead2012-06-11Radsch x Htoo Kin AyeEmmen Zoo2012-05-22
14Unnamed 9807 EMMcaptive-born1998-07-09dead1998-07-09Naing Thein x Khaing Lwin HtooEmmen Zoo1998-07-09

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