Frankfurt Zoo in Germany

Frankfurt Zoo
Zoo Frankfurt main entrance
Zoo Frankfurt main entrance

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Local name Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt

Owner1858-1915: Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS)
1915-1950: Stadt Frankfurt (Frankfurt city council)
1950-now: Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS)
Total nrs4500
First elephant arrived1863
Opened for public1858
Number of species510
Number of animals4500
Last elephant left1984
Address Alfred-Brehm-Platz 16
Zip-code 60316
Place Frankfurt am Main
Country Germany
Website Website

Directors 1859-1885: Max Schmidt (director)
1858–1863: David Friedrich Weinland
1864–1885: Max Schmidt (Leitend. Direktor, 1859–1863, Direktor )
1885–1888: Ludwig Wunderlich
1885–1913: Victor Goering
1913–1938: Kurt Priemel
1938–1945: Georg Steinbacher
1945–1974: Bernhard Grzimek
1974–1993: Richard Faust
1993–1994: Christoph Scherpner
1994–2008: Christian R. Schmidt
2008–2017: Manfred Niekisch
2018-now: Miguel Casares (seit 1. Februar 2018)

Key People 1893-1910: Joseph Menges (partner)

Veterinarians 1857-1859: Max Schmidt (veterinarian)

Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2023-09-27

Latest document update2023-09-27 15:35:00
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Frankfurt Zoo, located at Alfred-Brehm-Platz 16, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany , was founded in 1858, opened for public in 1858 and the first elephant arrived in 1863. The last elephant left in 1984.

Comments / picturesThe Frankfurt Zoological Garden is the zoo of Frankfurt, Germany. It features over 4,500 animals of more than 510 Species on more than 11 hectares. The zoo was founded in 1858 and is the second oldest zoo in Germany, after Berlin Zoological Garden. It lies in the eastern part of the Innenstadt (inner city). Bernhard Grzimek was director of the zoo after World War II from 1945 until 1974. He brought three elephants from Passau, which were taken for walks with camels on the streets of Frankfurt.

The Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) was founded in 1858 by citizens of Frankfurt to establish the Zoological Garden, which it operated until the First World War. The city council then assumed responsibility for the zoo until 1950, when the FZS again became the zoo\'s development association.

Frankfurt Zoo in Germany Germany
Bethys growth rate at 1888.

Frankfurt Zoo in Germany GermanyAsian elephants in Zoo Frankfurt

Frankfurt Zoo in Germany Germany

The forest elephant Dima in Frankfurt in 1977. Photo: Dan Koehl

References for records about Frankfurt Zoo

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Frankfurt Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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