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Sauraha elephant breeding centre in Nepal
Sauraha elephant breeding centre
Local name
Khorsor hattisar, RCNP
Type camp
Owner 1986-now: Department of National Parks and Wildlife
Conservation (DNPWC).
Founded 1985
First elephant arrived 1985
Opened for public 1989
Khorsor, Baadreni Road Royal Chitwan NP
Chitwan District
Directors Budhan Chaudhary
Key People
Elephant department
Head keepers of elephants Bhagu Subba
Rameshwor Chaudhary
Elephant keepers 1995: Dhan Tamang Record history
History of updates 2023-09-11
Latest document update 2023-09-11 11:57:34
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Sauraha elephant breeding centre, located at Khorsor, Baadreni Road Royal Chitwan NP, in Bharatpur, Nepal
, was founded in 1985, opened for public in 1989 and the first elephant arrived in 1985.
Living elephants At the Sauraha elephant breeding centre lives 44 elephants with records in this database: (detail list ) ♀ Aiswary Mala
♂ Amaltari Gaj born 2008-02-21
♀ Ambe Kali born 2016-01-03
♂ Bahadur Gaja born 1994
♀ Bhawani Kali
♀ Chamcham Kali born 2014-11-09
♀ Devi Kali
♀ Himani Kali born 2001-06-18
♀ Karnali Kali born 1998
♂ Kasara Gaj born 2012-04-13
♂ Khorsor Gaj born 2015-12-19
♀ Komal Kali
♀ Koshi Kali
♂ Krishna Prasad born 2004-08-07
♂ KrishnaChandra Gaj born 2016-05-19
♂ Kush Prasad born 2004-09-30
♂ Lucky Gaj born 2014-09-11
♂ Madi Gaj born 2011-12-14
♀ Narayani Kali born 2000
♀ Poonam kali
♀ Prerana Kali born 1986
♂ Ram Gaja born 1987
♀ Rambha Kali
♀ Rampyari Kali
♀ Rapti Kali born 1998
♂ Rimjhim Kali born 2016-03-21
♀ Rupa Kali
♀ Sarasoti Kali born 2005-03-21
♀ Saraswati Kali
♀ Sashi Kali
♂ Sauraha Gaj born 2012-03-22
♀ Shamsher Kali
♂ Sher Prasad born 2004-09-28
♀ Shruti Khali born 1976
♀ Simsar Kali born 2009-05-15
♀ Simsim Kali born 2013-05-29
♀ Sitashma Kali
⚪ Sobhaka
♂ Someshwor Gaj born 2013-03-06
♂ Tec Gaj born 2013-05-19
♂ unknown
♂ unknown born 2019-09-23
♂ Unnamed born 2022-08-28
♂ Vikram Prasad born 2002-04-07
Comments / pictures 1985: As a result of the recommendations contained in the Task Force Report (1985), an elephant breeding center was established at Khorsor in RCNP in1986. Founded as KMTNC Hattisar ,
short for King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation ,
Koshor Hattisar
is located 5 km west from Sauraha.
1985: In the initial stage 20 elephants were received from India, Thailand and Myanmar to start the breeding center: 1. Airawat, 2. Lambodar, 3. Binayek, 4. Bhairab, 5. Bhawanikali, 6. Bhagwatikali, 7. Menakakali, 8. Sashikali, 9. Mangolakali, 10. Indrakali, 11. Devikali, 12. Gaurikali, 13. Parwatikali, 14. Sitasmakali, 15.Rambhakali, and 16. Sobhaka were imported from India, 17. Birendra, 18. Dhirendra from Myanmar, and 19. Shrutikali, 20. Aiswarymala from Thailand. (Ministry of Forests and Environment, 2018)
1985: Other sources claim; the elephant breeding center began with 22 elephants (16 from India, four from Thailand and two from Myanmar) (Kharel, 2000)
2001: This centre had 5 Stud Bulls and 15 females and 6 babies (totaling 26) in 2001.
2003: Twenty elephants have been placed at EBC for breeding purposes. Nineteen calves have been reproduced at EBC and survival rate was found to be 59.6 percent. Since the startup, 4 elephant keepers were killed by elephants; RamPrasad Chaudhary, Guri LalChaudhary, Dhan B. Tamang and Amrit Kurmi. (Yadav 2003 )
2018: Since its establishment, 45 elephant calves have been produced at EBC. Among them, 25 are male (M) and 20 are female (F). A total of 65 staff Darbandi is approved from the Government of Nepal including a Senior Veterinary Doctor, a Veterinary Doctor, a Gazetted Subba, a Raut, 20 Phanit, 20 Mahout
and 20 Pachuwa. (Ministry of Forests and Environment, 2018)
2021: The names of six elephants in Chitwan National Park have been matched with the names of members of the former royal family members. These names are Komal Kali, Aishwarya Mala, Dhirendra Kali, Himani Kali, and Prerana Kali. The name of an elephant brought from Koshitappu Wildlife Reserve to Chitwan National Park temporarily is Paras Kali.
2022-03-04: 24 elephants including 13 calves are at the Centre. References for records about Sauraha elephant breeding centre
Recommended Citation Koehl, Dan (2025). Sauraha elephant breeding centre, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others:
25 Years of Achievements on Biodiversity Conservation in Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Environment (2018). Available at
Locke, Piers (2011). The Ethnography of Captive Elephant Management in Nepal:. Gajah 34 (2011) 32-40 (Journal of the IUCN/SSC Asian Elephant Specialist Group). Available online at
Yadav, Babu Ram (2003). An overview of Elephant Breeding Center atChitwan National Park, Nepal. Available online at
Arjun Pandit et al., Serum Biochemical Profile Of The Elephants In Chitwan District, Nepal. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6, Issue, 3, pp.3130-3135, March, 2015. Available online at
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