Present living elephants at Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf) in Germany

This database list 3 elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Origin Age Arrival from location
1 ♀ EM Mara
Born unknown ~1965 at Unknown Circus Berolina (Spindler)
2 ♀ EM Conny
Born unknown ~1966 at Unknown Circus Berolina (Spindler)
3 ♀ EM Indra
Born unknown ~1968 at Unknown Circus Berolina (Spindler)

Source for the list of elephants presently living at Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf)

Reference list

Facts about present living elephants at Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf) in Germany at Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf) in Germany, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 1 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2018-05-16 Indra:•
2018-05-16 Conny:•
2018-05-16 Mara:•

Search more with Google for Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf)The link will automatically include Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf) and open a new browser window.

Search more on the Internet Web for Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf)The link will automatically include Waltersdorf Zoo (Tier-Erlebnispark Waltersdorf) and open a new browser window

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