Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) in Sweden

Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)
Sebas elephant.
Sebas elephant.

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Accession Code NRM

Size20 000 m2
Opened for public1916
Address Frescativägen 40
Zip-code 114 18
Place Stockholm
Province Stockholm county
Country Sweden
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Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), located at Frescativägen 40, in Stockholm, Sweden , was founded in 1819, opened for public in 1916.

Taxidermy specimens

Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) has in its collection 11 elephantine museum specimens with records in this database:

(Measurements of teeth and body parts follow the system described by Maglio (1973; P = plate number, L = length, W = width, H = height, LF = lamellar frequency)

    Brunkeberg Mammoth Accession nr: NRM ?. Received: Brunkeberg Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
    * Born at Europe unspecified location † Dead at Brunkeberg esker ridge
    Death: unknown Death reason: unknown (N/A)
    Discovered as fossil 1849-00-00 at Nybro,
    Body, bone or dental material: one humerus leg,

    Önet Mammoth Accession nr: . Received: Önet Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
    * Born at Unknown † Dead at Önet, Frösön
    Death: Death reason: unknown (N/A)
    Discovered as fossil ? at one meter deep in glacial till, at Önet, on the island of Frösön, Sweden.,
    Body, bone or dental material: one tusk,

    Sebas pickled elephant Accession nr: NRM 532062. Received: Sebas pickled elephant
    Species: African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana)
    * Born <1753 at Africa unspecified location † Dead <1753 at Africa unspecified location
    Death: Fetal death in utero Death reason: removed from dead mothers uterus?

    Bårslöv Mammoth Accession nr: . Received: Bårslöv Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
    * Born at Europe unspecified location † Dead at Bårslöv unspecified farm
    Death: Death reason: unknown (N/A)
    Discovered as fossil 1889-00-00 by Farmer in Bårslöv at a field at a farm in Bårslöv ,
    Body, bone or dental material: one molar,

    Iijoki Mammoth Accession nr: NRM ??. Lab Code: Ua-14190. Received: Iijoki Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
    * Born at Finland unspecified forest † Dead at Finland unspecified forest
    Death: unknown Death reason: unknown (N/A)
    Discovered as fossil 1750-00-00 at in sand at the River Iijoki, Finland,
    Body, bone or dental material: only molar found,
    Dentition: incisives unknown. Molars: P; 23, L; 230 mm, W; 73 mm, H; 114 mm, LF; 12,

    Ystad Mammoth Accession nr: . Received: Ystad Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
    * Born at Europe unspecified location † Dead at Ystad unspecified location
    Death: Death reason: unknown (N/A) at Ystad??,
    Body, bone or dental material: one molar,

    Titente Mammoth Accession nr: . Received: 1865-00-00 Titente Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
    * Born at Europe unspecified location † Dead at Tittente in Svedala
    Death: Death reason: unknown (N/A)
    Discovered as fossil 1865 at Tittente, Svedala,
    Body, bone or dental material: fragmented tusk,

    Lunkentuss (Rani) Accession nr: NRM ??. Received: 1941-02-18 Lunkentuss (Rani)
    Species: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
    * Born 1928 at Asia unspecified location † Dead 1941-02-18 at Stockholm Zoo (Skansen)
    Death: disease Death reason: could not be diagnosed
    Body, bone or dental material: ,

    Sollefteå Mammoth Accession nr: NRM zool A 60 1502. Received: 1949-00-00 Sollefteå Mammoth (fossil)
    Species: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius)
    * Born at Unknown † Dead at Sollefteå unspecified excavation site
    Death: Death reason: unknown (N/A)
    Discovered as fossil 1949 at Sollefteå,
    Body, bone or dental material: one molar,

    Babar Accession nr: NRM ??. Received: 1967-00-00 Babar
    Species: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
    * Born at Asia unspecified location † Dead 1967 at Furuviksparken
    Death: accident Death reason:

    Bambina Accession nr: NRM ??. Received: 1967-01-22 Bambina
    Species: Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
    * Born 1937 at Myanmar unspecified location † Dead 1967-01-22 at Stockholm Zoo (Skansen)
    Death: disease Death reason: sepsis foot problem

Comments / picturesSwedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) in Sweden Sweden

Lunkentuss cranium at History Natural Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. Photo: Dan Koehl.

References for records about Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM)

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=2986. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) on elephant-news.com

Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM) is mentioned on Elephant News:

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2013-11-04Linnaeus's asian elephant was wrong species - Elephant News

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