Captive born elephants at Finland unspecified forest in Finland

Nr Sex Species Name Id Age Birth Death date ParentsArrival Location
1 ⚪ MP Iijoki Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
2 ⚪ MP Lohtaja Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
3 ⚪ MP Haapajärvi Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
4 ⚪ MP Nilsiä Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
5 ⚪ MP Tuulos Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
6 ⚪ MP Herttoniemi Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
7 ⚪ MP Töölö Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
8 ⚪ MP Espoo Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest
9 ⚪ MP Pohja Mammoth > x Finland unspecified forest

Source for the list of elephants born at Finland unspecified forest

Reference list

Facts about Captive born elephants at Finland unspecified forest in Finland, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 6 October 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2012-03-31 Iijoki Mammoth:•
•  Holm, G., 1904 - Kindtand av mammut funnen vid Ijo älf i Österbotten i Finland - Geologiska Föreningens Förhandlingar 26: 238
2012-03-31 Lohtaja Mammoth:•
2012-03-31 Haapajärvi Mammoth:•
2012-03-31 Nilsiä Mammoth:•
2012-03-31 Tuulos Mammoth:•
•  Rosberg, J.E., 1924 - Ett fossilt benfynd i Tuulos - Fennia 44 (4): 1-8
2012-03-31 Herttoniemi Mammoth:•
2012-03-31 Töölö Mammoth:•
2012-03-31 Espoo Mammoth:•
•  Metzger, A., 1921 - Skelett av subfossil delfin från Karsby i Tenala. Kindtand av mammut från Esbo - Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 48: 126
2012-03-31 Pohja Mammoth:•
•  Rosberg, J.E., 1901 - Ett mammutfynd i den s.k. Brödtorp-åsen - Fennia 18 (8): 1-8
•  Ramsay, W., 1897 - Ett refben af mammut anträffats i Pojo - Fennia 15 (1): 14-15

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Kulen Elephant Forest