Deceased elephants at Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czech Republic

This database list 7 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♂ LA Kito EEP id: 20013 15Born: captive-born 2002-12-06
Tembo x Tanya
Dead:2017-03-13 (8 years after arrival), disease heart failure
2009-06-03 Colchester Zoo
2+ ♂ LA Mooti EEP id: 8214 27Born: wild 1982 Dead:2009-02-19 (25 years after arrival), euthanised congenital left hind leg deformity1984-07-10 Kruger National Park
3+ ♀ LA Seta 20Born: wild 1981 Dead:2001-09-23 (18 years after arrival), disease colic, heart breakdown1983-08-31
4+ ♀ EM Urvashi EEP id: 7510 5Born: wild 1975 Dead:1980-02-25, euthanised pathological findings on the lungs, heart, ulcers1979-12-29 Soest Zoo1979
5+ ♂ LA Zan 11Born: wild 1967 Dead:1978-02-14 (9 years after arrival), killed aggressive1969-07-21
6+ ♀ LA Jimi 2Born: wild 1970 Dead:1972-04-18, disease cachexia, colon inflammation1971-08-22
7+ ♀ EM unknown < 1 2Born: wild 1966 Dead:1966, disease cachexia1966-00-00

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Dvur Kralove Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Dvur Kralove Zoo in Czech Republic, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 1 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2018-05-10 Seta:• Jaroslav Vanecek
•  Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• Elephants from CR and SR (Zoo Usti nad Labem)
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2018-03-03 Kito:• Jaroslav Vaněček
• Kate from Colchester,
2009-09-26 Urvashi:• Elephants from CR and SR (Zoo Usti nad Labem)
2009-02-28 Mooti:• Sorrow in Dvur Kralove Zoo Elephant Died Mooti, 2009-02-23
2009-02-28 Zan:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• Elephants from CR and SR (Zoo Usti nad Labem)
2009-02-28 Jimi:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• Elephants from CR and SR (Zoo Usti nad Labem)
2007-03-15 unknown:• Elephants from CR and SR (Zoo Usti nad Labem)

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