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Kruger National Park in South Africa

Kruger National Park

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Place Kruger National Park
Country South Africa


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Record history
History of updates2023-09-19

Latest document update2023-09-19 15:41:46
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Kruger National Park, in Kruger National Park, South Africa , was founded in 1923.

Living elephants

At the Kruger National Park lives 8 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Addis Adiba (wild)
  2. Apollo (wild)
  3. Bigflap (wild)
  4. Classic (wild)
  5. General (wild)
  6. Matambu (wild)
  7. Ndhuna
  8. Proud (wild)

Comments / pictures

When the Sabi Game Reserve (part of what is now Kruger National Park) was proclaimed in 1898 the warden reported no elephants. He first noted their presence in 1905 near the confluence of the Letaba and Olifants rivers. There were no fences around the protected area at that time and it is likely that the animals had crossed over from Mozambique. Protected from hunters and with no real predators, their numbers grew.

1903: No existing living elephants in present Kruger Park surroundings.
1923: At the establishment of the Sabie Game Reserve - the embryo Kruger - the elephant population was 100 elephants that had migrated from Mozambique (Stevenson-Hamilton, 1934).
1967: 6 586 individuals (Whyte, 2001).
1970: the population had grown to 8,821.
Despite Culling these increased at 7,5 % between ‘67 and 2000. (Between 1980 and 2004 330 elephants were poached, and between 1980 and 1994 109 elephants were culled. The population currently has the “potential to double their numbers every decade.”

2003: Population figure for 2003 given as 13 566.

2015: A minimum of 17 086 elephants were resident in the Kruger National Park (KNP) in 2015.

Living capacity for KNP is abt 7 500 elephants. With double that amount, Culling will probably be the only solution for the envoronmental problems because of the concentration of elephants in KNP.

References for records about Kruger National Park

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Kruger National Park, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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2023-08-21How elephant populations are being controlled using contraceptives - Elephant News

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