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Deceased elephants at Rhenen Zoo in Netherlands

This database list 10 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♂ LA Bumi EEP id: 202105 3Born: captive-born 2021-08-16
Tusker x Duna
Dead:2024-11-05 (3 years after arrival), age
2+ ♀ LA Binti Local birth nr: 1
EEP id: 201801 < 1 3
Born: captive-born 2018-01-20
x Duna
Dead:2018-01-22, euthanised spinal fracture after attack from mother
3+ ♀ LA Sabi EEP id: 8404 34Born: wild 1984 Dead:2018-01-02 (7 years after arrival), euthanised constipation2011-11-24 Augsburg Zoo
4+ ♀ EM Khaing Nwe EEP id: 8214 34Born: unknown Dead:1991-08-28 (2 years after arrival), unknown 1989-06-05 Soest Zoo1989
5+ ♀ LA Tasja (Rhena) 34Born: wild Dead:1981 (13 years after arrival), euthanised foot problem1968-00-00
6+ ♀ EM Elma 34Born: unknown Dead:1966 (18 years after arrival), 1948-00-00 Unknown
7+ ♀ EM Rhena (Betsy, Baby) 2Born: wild 1962 Dead:1964-04-10, disease heart-failure after tracture on left front leg 1963-04-02
8+ ♀ EM Berga (Börga) 15Born: wild 1930? Dead:1945-04-00, killed shot by German soldiers
9+ ♀ EM Nelly 11Born: 1934? Dead:1945-04-00, killed by German soldiers
10+ ♂ EM Robbie 11Born: wild 1937 Dead:, unknown 1937-00-00

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Rhenen Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Rhenen Zoo in Netherlands, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 14 February 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2018-06-07 Khaing Nwe:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
•  Baas Alders
•  van den Brink
2018-04-11 Binti:•
2018-04-09 Tasja (Rhena):• Jos Breukers
•  Peter Stolk, Netherlands
2018-04-09 Rhena (Betsy, Baby) :• Jos Breukers
•  Peter Stolk, Netherlands
•  Gerald Postma, Netherlands
2018-04-09 Elma:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands, 2013
•, digital version of Holtens Nieuwsblad, 28 oktober 1967
2018-04-09 Nelly:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
2018-03-02 Sabi:• Marcus Linder, Augsburg Zoo
•  Jaroslav Vanecek
2013-06-14 Berga (Börga):• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
2012-03-11 Bumi:•
2009-08-11 Robbie:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands

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