Present living elephants at Islamabad Marghazar Zoo in Pakistan

No recorded present living elephants
Islamabad Marghazar Zoo on

Islamabad Marghazar Zoo is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2007-06-04Pakistani elephant beats keeper when meals late - Elephant News
2012-05-04Female elephant dies at murgahazar zoo in islamabad - Elephant News
2012-05-04Zoo staff under radar after elephant dies ‘mysteriously’ - Elephant News
2016-11-28No arrangements for kaavan during winter - Elephant News
Pakistan's lone elephant prepared for move to cambodia - Elephant News
2020-09-21Govt undecided about two bears, lone elephant in islamabad’s zoo - Elephant News

Search more with Google for Islamabad Marghazar ZooThe link will automatically include Islamabad Marghazar Zoo and open a new browser window.

Search more on the Internet Web for Islamabad Marghazar ZooThe link will automatically include Islamabad Marghazar Zoo and open a new browser window

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Established 2006
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