Relocated elephants from International Animal Exchange (Ferndale) in United States

International Animal Exchange (Ferndale) had previously 108 elephants relocated to new location.

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival
Present locationImport
1 ♀ LA - Samantha (Nekhanda)
SSP id: 242
PC: Born wild 1988
North Carolina Zoo 1989?
2 ♀ LA - Ellie
SSP id: 236
PC: Born wild 1982 1984-00-00
Lowry Park Zoo 1984?
3 ♀ LA - Rafiki
SSP id: 210
PC: Born wild 1981 1984-01-00
North Carolina Zoo 1984?
4 † ♂ LA - Butch
SSP id: 442
dead: Born wild 1981 Dead: 2022-06-22, 41 yrs Reason: age: 1984-00-00
Winston Wildlife Safari 1984
5 † ♂ LA - Sonny
SSP id: 499
dead: Born wild 1982 Dead: 2001-02-21, 19 yrs Reason: unknown: suffered a seizure and collapsed 1986-00-00
Popcorn Park Zoo 1984
6 ♀ LA - Thandi
SSP id: 195
PC: Born wild 1980 1983-00-00
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens 1983?
7 † ♀ LA - Moyo
SSP id: 205
dead: Born wild 1981 Dead: 2014-09-29, 33 yrs Reason: maternal death: 1983-00-00
National Elephant Center U.S.A. 1983?
8 ♀ LA - Brittanie (Brittany)
SSP id: 451
PC: Born wild 1981 1983-00-00
Milwaukee County Zoo 1983
9 † ♀ LA - Toni
SSP id: 429
dead: Born wild 1982 Dead: 1996-11-01, 14 yrs Reason: unknown:
Carson and Barnes Circus 1983
10 † ♂ LA - Chip
SSP id: 162
dead: Born wild 1978 Dead: 2002-03-06, 24 yrs Reason: unknown: Infection associated unknown after autopsy 1981-00-00
Caldwell Zoo 1982?
11 † ♀ LA - Jana
SSP id: 200
dead: Born wild 1980 Dead: 2023-10-20, 43 yrs Reason: unknown: 1982-00-00
Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary (TES) 1982
12 ♀ LA - Renee
SSP id: 182
PC: Born wild 1979 1982-05-26
Toledo Zoo 1982
13 † ♀ LA - Tembo (Loren)
SSP id: 181
dead: Born wild 1979 Dead: 1994-12-20, 15 yrs Reason: disease: digestive mechanical abnormality; twisted gut 1982-05-25
Toledo Zoo 1982
14 ♀ LA - Lois
SSP id: 177
PC: Born wild 1978 1981-00-00
Kansas City Zoo 1981
15 ♀ LA - Lea
SSP id: 176
PC: Born wild 1978 1981-00-00
Kansas City Zoo 1981
16 † ♂ LA - Tonka
SSP id: 163
dead: Born wild 1979 Dead: 2024-05-08, 45 yrs Reason: euthanised: acute pain and swelling in his left front leg 1981-00-00
Knoxville Zoo 1981
17 † ♂ LA - Hannibal
SSP id: 175
dead: Born wild 1978 Dead: 1992-03-20, 14 yrs Reason: anesthesia: anesthesia/restraint associated; cardiovascular circulatory secondary 1980-00-00
Los Angeles Zoo 1980?
18 † ♂ LA - Willy
SSP id: 370
dead: Born wild 1978 Dead: 2023-07-19, 45 yrs Reason: unknown: 1982-00-00
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo 1980-1983?
19 † ♀ LA - Babar II
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale) 1980
20 † ♀ LA - Juma
SSP id: 151
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: 1982-05-07, 5 yrs Reason: unknown: env./beh. conditions; generalized trauma 1980-00-00
Phoenix Zoo 1980
21 ♀ LA - Lilac (Anjue)
SSP id: 174
FC: Born wild 1978 1979-05-25
Seneca Park Zoo 1979
22 ♀ LA - Genny C (Timba)
SSP id: 153
FC: Born wild 1977 1979-05-25
Seneca Park Zoo 1979
23 † ♀ LA - Zelda
SSP id: 155
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: 1980-04-13, 3 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated, generalized viral; incinerated 1979-05-23
North Carolina Zoo 1979
24 † ♀ LA - Tinker
SSP id: 156
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: 1990-10-07, 13 yrs Reason: euthanised: 1979-05-23
North Carolina Zoo 1979
25 † ♀ LA - Cookie
SSP id: 154
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: 1980-04-25, 3 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated generalized bacterial; buried 1979-05-23
North Carolina Zoo 1979
26 ♀ LA - Tombi
SSP id: 147
FC: Born wild 1976 1979-00-00
Indianapolis Zoo 1978?
27 ♂ LA - CSar (Flapjack)
SSP id: 135
PC: Born wild 1974 1976-02-00
North Carolina Zoo 1976?
28 † ♂ LA - Smokey
SSP id: 365
dead: Born wild 1973 Dead: 2001-03-11, 28 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated, digestive, mechanical abnormality, buried 1975-00-00
Oakland Zoo (Knowland Park) 1975
29 † ♂ EM - Coco (Sultan)
SSP id: 81
dead: Born wild 1971 Dead: 2011-02-16, 40 yrs Reason: unknown:
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium 1974?
30 † ♀ EM - Jenny (Siam)
dead: Born wild 1965 Dead: 1995, 30 yrs Reason: disease: respiratory infection 1974-00-00
William Buckles Woodcock 1974
31 † ♂ LA - Hatari (Billy)
SSP id: 122
dead: Born wild 1972 Dead: 1987, 15 yrs Reason: euthanised: 1974-00-00
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus - Retirement Farm 1974
32 † ♂ LA - Perkins (Billy)
SSP id: 103
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: 1994-11-12, 24 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated; generalized metabolism
Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo 1972?
33 † ♂ LC - Cosi (Bud)
SSP id: 116
dead: Born wild 1971 Dead: 1991-11-10, 20 yrs Reason: disease: intestinal blockage 1972-06-00
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium 1972?
34 † ♀ LA - Unknown
SSP id: 119
dead: Born wild Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale) 1972?
35 † ♀ LA - Jojo
SSP id: 95
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: 1990-06-15, 20 yrs Reason: unknown: 1972-00-00
Lion Country Safari, Inc - Florida 1972?
36 ♀ LA - Stephanie
SSP id: 118
FC: Born wild 1971 1972-08-00
Sedgwick County Zoo 1972
37 † ♀ LA - Ladybird
SSP id: 115
dead: Born wild 1971 Dead: 2014-03-03, 43 yrs Reason: : 1972-00-00
Greenville Zoo 1972
38 † ♀ LA - Cinda (Cynda, Mzuri)
SSP id: 117
dead: Born wild 1971 Dead: 2014-11-05, 43 yrs Reason: age: 1972-09-00
Sedgwick County Zoo 1972
39 † ♀ LA - Opel
SSP id: 77
dead: Born wild 1969 Dead: 1983-05-06, 14 yrs Reason: disease: musculoskeletal mechanical abnormality; buried 1971-00-00
Knoxville Zoo 1971?
40 † ♀ LA - Sneeze
SSP id: 106
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: 1997-12-01, 27 yrs Reason: killed: injury from exhibit mate; generalized trauma 1971-00-00
Winston Wildlife Safari 1971?
41 † ♀ LA - Stumpy
SSP id: 55
dead: Born wild 1965 Dead: 2012-04-13, 47 yrs Reason: unknown: 1968-00-00
Dallas Zoo 1968?
42 † ♀ LA - Gretchen
SSP id: 22
dead: Born wild 1965 Dead: 1998-09-06, 33 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated musculoskeletal nutrition 1967-02-00
Granby Zoo 1967?
43 † ♀ EM - Minnie
SSP id: 667
dead: Born unknown 1966 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: :
Roger Williams Park Zoo 1967?
44 † ♀ EM - Thala (Thaili)
SSP id: T2294
dead: Born wild 1965 Dead: 1967, 2 yrs Reason: unknown: 1966-00-00
Storybook Gardens 1966?
45 † ♀ EM - Toka
SSP id: 243
dead: Born wild 1964 Dead: 2001-03-05, 37 yrs Reason: unknown: 1976-03-08
Hogle Zoo (Salt City Zoo) 1966
46 † ♀ LA - Sheba
SSP id: 48
dead: Born wild 1964 Dead: 1984-11-02, 20 yrs Reason: euthanised: muskuloskeletal; mechanical abnormality
Fort Worth Zoo 1965?
47 † ♀ LA - Beebe
SSP id: 324
dead: Born wild 1961 Dead: 1974-08-00, 13 yrs Reason: unknown: 1964-00-00
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (Busch Gardens Africa) 1964?
48 ♂ LA - Jack (Jackson)
SSP id: 368
PC: Born wild 1976 1978-00-00
Fairhope Conservation Center
49 † ♂ LA - Fanti (Morgan)
SSP id: 188
dead: Born captive-born 1979-05-20 Dead: 1994-12-16, 15 yrs Reason: unknown: 1983-07-14
Riddles Elephant and Wildlife Sanctuary
50 † ♀ LA - Nita
SSP id: 132
dead: Born wild 1974 Dead: 2002-10-10, 28 yrs Reason: disease: Infection associated 1979-05-23
North Carolina Zoo
51 † ♀ LA - Lisa
SSP id: 369
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: 2023-03-26, 46 yrs Reason: euthanised: deteriorating health 1979-00-00
Oakland Zoo (Knowland Park)
52 ♀ LA - Tembo (AO1)
SSP id: 113
PC: Born wild 1971 1974-00-00
Topeka Zoo
53 † ♀ LA - Juju
SSP id: 67
dead: Born wild 1968 Dead: 1993-03-25, 25 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated, cardiovascular viral; buried 1971-00-00
Gladys Porter Zoo
54 † ♂ LA - Peter
SSP id: 56
dead: Born wild 1965 Dead: 1987-12-14, 22 yrs Reason: unknown: unknown - buried 1968-00-00
Lion Country Safari, Inc - Florida
55 † ♀ LA - Tara
SSP id: 57
dead: Born wild 1960 Dead: 2004-12-12, 44 yrs Reason: disease: heart failure 1963-00-00
Los Angeles Zoo
56 † ♀ EM - Babe
SSP id: T2110
dead: Born wild 1945 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
Carson and Barnes Circus
57 † ♀ LA - Malaika
SSP id: 423
dead: Born wild 1987 Dead: 2015-11-00, 28 yrs Reason: unknown: 1989-00-00
Monterey Zoo, Elephants of Africa Rescue Society (EARS)
58 ♂ EM - Hank
SSP id: 276
PC: Born captive-born 1988-01-16 1993-05-26
Tulsa Zoo
59 ♀ LA - Flora
SSP id: 378
PC: Born wild 1982 1983-00-00
Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary (TES)
60 † ♀ LA - Penny
SSP id: 192
dead: Born wild 1979 Dead: 2017-05-04, 38 yrs Reason: euthanised:
Riverbanks Zoological Park
61 † ♀ LA - Joni (Joy)
SSP id: 91
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: 2014-06-15, 44 yrs Reason: unknown: 1973-00-00
Greenville Zoo
62 ♀ LA - Kosti
SSP id: 446
FC: Born wild 1982 1984-00-00
Memphis Zoo
63 ♀ LA - Megu
SSP id: 447
FC: Born wild 1982 1984-00-00
Six Flags Wild Safari (Six Flags Great Adventure)
64 ♀ LA - Congo
SSP id: 443
PC: Born wild 1978 1984-00-00
Dallas Zoo
65 † ♀ LA - Makia (Malkia)
SSP id: 373
Assumed dead: Born wild 1978 1993-01-24
Jorge Barreda
66 ♀ EM - Emma (Wally)
SSP id: 423
FC: Born wild 1971 1982-06-28
Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation
67 † ♂ LA - Benny (Bennie)
SSP id: 125
dead: Born wild 1972 Dead: 2006-11-27, 34 yrs Reason: unknown:
Okavango Delta
68 † ♀ LA - Churchill (Babar)
SSP id: 134
dead: Born wild 1974 Dead: 2012-08-25, 38 yrs Reason: unknown:
Hemmingford Parc Safari
69 ♀ LA - Chamba
SSP id: 191
unknown: Born wild 1979
Taipei Zoo
70 ♀ LA - Tava
SSP id: 372
FC: Born wild 1978 1981-00-00
Winston Wildlife Safari
71 ♀ LA - Tanya (Tonya)
SSP id: 157
PC: Born wild 1977 1979-00-00
Caldwell Zoo
72 † ♀ LA - Shannon
SSP id: 426
dead: Born wild 1980 Dead: 2017-12-11, 37 yrs Reason: unknown: 1982-00-00
Topeka Zoo
73 ♀ LA - Mei Tai
SSP id: 397
unknown: Born wild 1982 1984-00-00
Taipei Zoo
74 † ♀ LA - Pai Tai
SSP id: 395
dead: Born wild 1982 Dead: 2002-10-27, 20 yrs Reason: unknown: 1984-00-00
Taipei Zoo
75 ♀ LA - Chien Hui
SSP id: 396
unknown: Born wild 1982 1984-00-00
Taipei Zoo
76 † ♀ LA - Kenya
SSP id: 438
dead: Born wild 1978 Dead: 2000-02-05, 22 yrs Reason: unknown: 1980-00-00
Lance Ramos (Lancelot Kollman)
77 † ♀ LA - Christy
SSP id: 432
Assumed dead: Born wild 1973-00-00
Monterey Zoo, Elephants of Africa Rescue Society (EARS)
78 † ♂ LA - Samson
SSP id: 336
dead: Born wild 1967 Dead: 1986-04-01, 19 yrs Reason: anesthesia: during transit 1970-09-28
Gary Jacobson
79 ♀ LA - Lucky
SSP id: 187
PC: Born wild 1980 1981-01-15
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
80 † ♀ LA - Tika
SSP id: 371
dead: Born wild 1978 Dead: 2002-11-25, 24 yrs Reason: disease: infection caused by a dead calf decomposing in her womb 1981-00-00
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Six Flags Marine World)
81 † ♀ LA - Yatima
SSP id: 152
dead: Born wild 1977 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown: 1980-00-00
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
82 ♀ LA - Kimba
SSP id: 150
PC: Born wild 1977 1980-00-00
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
83 ♀ LA - Ivory
SSP id: 218
PC: Born wild 1982 1978-07-00
Indianapolis Zoo
84 † ♀ LA - Mzuri (Buckles)
SSP id: 123
dead: Born wild 1972 Dead: 1996-11, 24 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated; cardiovascular
Waldo Wild Animal Retirement Village
85 † ♀ LA - Babar I
dead: Born wild 1973 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
86 † ♀ EM - Siam
SSP id: T1296
dead: Born wild Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
George Carden Circus International
87 † ♀ LA - Paula
SSP id: 431
dead: Born wild 1971 Dead: 2018?, 47 yrs Reason: unknown: 1973-00-00
Monterey Zoo, Elephants of Africa Rescue Society (EARS)
88 † ♂ LA - Toto
SSP id: 346
dead: Born wild 1969 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown: 1972-00-00
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
89 † ♀ LA - El Typo
SSP id: 354
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: 1986-11-20, 16 yrs Reason: euthanised: 1973-00-00
Granby Zoo
90 † ♀ LA - Watoto
SSP id: 78
dead: Born wild 1969 Dead: 2014-08-22, 45 yrs Reason: euthanised: collapsed 1971-00-00
Seattle Zoo (Woodland Park Zoo)
91 † ♀ LA - Penny
SSP id: 350
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: 1981-02-24, 11 yrs Reason: euthanised: musculoskeletal trauma 1971-00-00
Abilene Zoo
92 † ♀ EM - Rainbow
SSP id: T2323
dead: Born wild 1970 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
Murray Hill Enterprises
93 † ♀ EM - Rosie
SSP id: 629
dead: Born wild 1965 Dead: 1975-10-21, 10 yrs Reason: unknown: 1969-09-03
Baton Rouge Zoo
94 † ♂ EM - Bruno
SSP id: 631
dead: Born wild 1968 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
95 † ♀ EM - Angel
SSP id: 427
dead: Born wild 1966 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
96 † ♀ LA - Pitou (Petu)
SSP id: 337
dead: Born wild Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
Howard Johnson
97 † ♀ LA - Lulu
SSP id: 61
dead: Born wild 1966 Dead: 2024-04-09, 58 yrs Reason: euthanised: degenerative joint disease. 1968-00-00
98 † ♂ LA - Amos
SSP id: 52
dead: Born wild 1964 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown: 1967-00-00
International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
99 † ♂ LA - Paj
SSP id: 53
dead: Born wild 1964 Dead: 1986-05-28, 22 yrs Reason: unknown: 1966-00-00
Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo
100 † ♀ LA - Maliaka
SSP id: 47
dead: Born wild 1963-04 Dead: 2010-10-16, 47 yrs Reason: unknown: 1965-00-00
Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo
101 † ♀ LA - Dolly
SSP id: 325
dead: Born wild 1963 Dead: 1974-09-03, 11 yrs Reason: unknown: 1965-00-00
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (Busch Gardens Africa)
102 † ♂ LA - Bwana
SSP id: 332
dead: Born wild 1961 Dead: 1974-09-20, 13 yrs Reason: disease: infection associated; genrealized viral 1964-00-00
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (Busch Gardens Africa)
103 † ♀ LA - Hydari (Dari, Hi-Dari)
SSP id: 33
dead: Born wild 1960 Dead: 2015-08-08, 55 yrs Reason: euthanised: old age 1963-00-01
Hogle Zoo (Salt City Zoo)
104 † ♀ LA - Agatha
SSP id: 357
dead: Born wild 1971 Dead: 1993, 22 yrs Reason: unknown: env./beh. conditions
Perry’s Wilderness Ranch & Zoo (Craig Perry)
105 † ♂ LA - Lan Po
SSP id: 386
dead: Born wild 1980 Dead: 2011-04-22, 31 yrs Reason: unknown:
Taipei Zoo
106 † ♀ LA - Babar III
dead: Born wild 1979 Dead: , ? yrs Reason: unknown:
Montreal Garden of Wonders childrens zoo
107 † ♂ LA - Tombi
SSP id: 126
dead: Born wild 1972-10 Dead: 1974-05-09, 2 yrs Reason: unknown: digestive trauma
Memphis Zoo
108 † ♂ LA - Mike
dead: Born wild Dead: , ? yrs Reason: accident: barn fire
Clyde Brothers Circus (Donnie Johnson)

Source for the list of elephants relocated, previously living at International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)

Reference list

Facts about previously kept elephants, relocated from International Animal Exchange (Ferndale) in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 7 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2023-03-30 Lisa:•
2021-09-16 Butch:• Beverly Allen, BarnYard Attractions, 24th Aug 1998
2020-05-05 Malaika:• Amanda Pippin
•  An Exotic Night: Vision Quest Ranch - a B&B near Salinas, California, 2009-03-08
2018-11-11 Shannon:•
2018-10-19 Bwana:•
2018-10-19 Beebe:•
2018-09-28 Hank:•
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2018-07-01 Lan Po:• Taipei Zoo, through Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS)
2018-03-16 Penny:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Winkie, Penny Soon On The Move,", 2000-02-09
•  "Vilas Won't Lose Accreditation Over Elephants,", 2000-03-29
•  "Future For Elephants Still Uncertain,", 2000-04-28
•  "Elephants To Have New Homes,", 2000-07-27
•  "Time To Move Winkie Draws Near,", 2000-08-03
•  "Vilas Zoo's First Elephant Departs,", 2000-08-15
2018-03-13 Watoto:• Brittany Anderson
2017-03-17 Moyo:• John Lehnhardt, Executive Director, The National Elephant Center, U.S.A.
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2016-01-25 Amos:• Ryan Easley, USA
2016-01-23 Coco (Sultan):• Harry Peachey, Columbos Zoo
•  Wayne Jackson, Canada
• Bobby Todd
• Ryan Easley, USA
2016-01-22 Cinda (Cynda, Mzuri):• Ryan Easley, USA
2016-01-22 Stumpy:• Jack
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2016-01-21 Hydari (Dari, Hi-Dari):• Hogle Zoos Hydari the elephant turns 48
2016-01-03 Thandi:• John Lehnhardt, Executive Director, The National Elephant Center, U.S.A.
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2014-06-24 Joni (Joy):•
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2014-04-23 Renee:• <a href="">Toledo Zoo Elephant Given Wrong Injection,, 2005-03-16</a>
2014-03-05 Ladybird:• Jackson Lee Bird
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2014-02-05 Ivory:• Ryan Easley, USA
2013-07-10 Paula:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2013-07-10 Christy:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
•  Ryan Easley, USA
2013-07-10 Toni:• Ryan Easley, USA
2013-05-08 Lulu:•
2013-03-19 Tava:•
•  Amanda Pippin
2012-09-25 Flora:• Ryan Easley, USA
2012-09-04 Churchill (Babar):•
•  Wayne Jackson, Canada
• Francis Lavigne
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2012-06-21 Brittanie (Brittany):• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2012-05-29 Hatari (Billy):• Buckles Woodcock
2012-05-24 Megu:•
2012-05-24 Kosti:•
2012-02-28 Emma (Wally):• Ben Whitebread, Toledo Zoo
•  Ryan Easley, USA
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2011-12-12 Kimba:• Zoos Latest Elephant Is A Big Star, 2009-03-15
•  Kim Z
2011-12-08 Lucky:• Zoo's Latest Elephant Is A Big Star, 2009-03-15
2011-05-22 Jojo:•
2011-05-20 CSar (Flapjack):• The Elephants of the Watani Grasslands
2011-04-26 Benny (Bennie):• Kate Evans
2011-04-26 Pitou (Petu):• Wayne Jackson
2011-04-17 Sonny:•
2011-04-06 Willy:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  Elefanten in Zoo und Circus, Dokumentation 2 Nordamerika, 1997, by European Elephant Group: Haufellner, Schilfarth, Schweiger
•  <a href="" target="_blank">"Cleveland Metroparks Zoo will welcome its first bull elephant,", 2010-11-10</a>
2011-04-06 Mei Tai:• In the 2005 Edition of the North American Regional Studbook for the African Elephant, this animal is listed as alive. The 2008 SSP Update lists this elephant as Lost to Follow-up.
2011-04-06 Pai Tai:• Taipei Zoo, through Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS)
2011-03-27 Samson:• From Buckles, Buckles Web Log, 2008-03-03
2011-03-13 Jenny (Siam):• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2011-03-08 Paj:• Ryan Easley, USA
2011-02-21 Cosi (Bud):•
• Wayne Jackson
• Ryan Easley, USA
2011-02-16 Congo:• Doug Terranova
• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "New elephants coming two by two to Dallas Zoo,", 2010-03-06
2011-02-09 Tembo (Loren):• Ryan Easley, USA
2011-01-03 Thala (Thaili):• Wayne Jackson
2011-01-03 Babar I:• Wayne Jackson
2011-01-03 Babar II:• Wayne Jackson
2011-01-03 Babar III:• Wayne Jackson
2010-11-22 Tanya (Tonya):• Ryan Easley, USA
2010-11-21 Tonka:• Ryan Easley, USA
2010-10-18 Maliaka:•
2010-09-23 Smokey:• Lisa the Elephant, a “Doting Mother,” May Have Fatally Hurt Her Calf, 2001-09-05
• Oakland Zoo Makes Strides in Pachyderm Care, 2005-03-21
2010-05-10 Stephanie:• Ryan Easley, USA
2009-12-11 Babe:• Ryan Easley, USA
2009-11-26 Jack (Jackson):• Ryan Easley, USA
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2009-11-19 Tombi:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Tombi,
2009-11-05 Jana:• Ryan Easley, USA
2009-10-05 Ellie:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  Tommy Realing
•  "The Swazi 11: a Case Study in the Global Trade in Live Elephants,", 2004-08-17
•  "205 pounds of cute,", 2005-10-19
•  "Zoo Story,", 2007-12-03
2009-03-29 Lois:• Ryan Easley, USA
2009-03-01 Tembo (AO1):• Dawn Olson, Topkea Zoo
• Ryan Easley, USA
2009-01-26 Lilac (Anjue):• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-27 Zelda:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-26 Opel:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-25 Cookie:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-24 Gretchen:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-24 Nita:• Ryan Easley, USA
• N.C. Zoo Mourns Loss of Two Beloved Animals
2008-12-24 Tinker:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-12-18 Rafiki:• Ryan Easley, USA
• The Elephants of the Watani Grasslands
2008-12-08 Chip:• Ryan Easley, USA
2008-04-02 Fanti (Morgan):• 
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2007-09-27 Samantha (Nekhanda):• Carina Christiansen, freelance reporter, Canada
• African elephant Samantha leaves Edmonton for breeding program in North Carolina

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Kulen Elephant Forest