
List of family

From the list of persons with family name

Database records of selected members from the family

  1. Adele Feld, circus assistant director, born 1927, dead 1958.
  2. Alexia Casselly, circus elephant trainer, born ?,
  3. Anna Gasser, circus director, born ?,
  4. Anna Wulff, circus director, born ?,
  5. Arif , zoo elephant keeper, born ?,
  6. Babanna, temple mahout,
  7. Beatrix Kaselowsky, circus director, born ?,
  8. Benz , camp mahout, born ?,
  9. Bessie Polack, circus director, born ?,
  10. Beverly Jones, circus elephant trainer,
  11. Bomma , camp mahout, born 1957?,
  12. Carin? Cristiani, circus animal trainer,
  13. Chandran , camp mahout, born 1980?,
  14. Chandu, camp mahout, born ?, Son of mahout J. Girish
  15. Charlotte Brumbach, circus artist, born ?, dead 2010.
  16. Cheryl Lennon, circus director,
  17. Chinna , camp mahout, born ?,
  18. Cindy Morris, circus elephant trainer,
  19. Clara , circus director,
  20. Dagmar Brumbach, circus assistant director, dead 2016-06-21.
  21. Dharma , zoo veterinarian, born ?,
  22. Dibyapuri , camp mahout, born ?,
  23. Dodda Masti, camp mahout, born 1953?, dead 2016-08-11.
  24. Edith Fischer, circus animal trainer, born 1923?,
  25. Ekaterina Kornilova, circus artist, born ?,
  26. Elizabeth Atkins, menagerie director, born ca 1817?,
  27. Emma Cristiani, circus assistant director, born ?, dead ?.
  28. Emma Austin, circus animal trainer, born 1838, dead 1900.
  29. Febri , zoo elephant keeper, born ?,
  30. Florence Rosaire , circus director,
  31. Fatima Althoff, circus assistant elephant trainer, dead 2016.
  32. Gunda , camp mahout, born ?,
  33. Helga Gronau, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  34. Hope McLennan, circus animal trainer,
  35. Imran , private elephant owner, born ?, Son of elephant owner Ummerdeen
  36. Ingrid Stosch-Sarrasani, circus director,
  37. Ingrid Smart, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  38. Isabelle Gollmar, circus assistant director, born 1873?, dead 1938-08-21.
  39. Jayachandran , camp mahout, born 1976?,
  40. Jennifer Herriott Walker, circus artist, born ?, and Laura Herriott Ortiz
  41. Jo Madison, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  42. June Madison, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  43. Karen Wilkie, circus director, born ?, dead 2022.
  44. Kariya , camp mahout, born ?, Son of mahout Dodda Masti
  45. Kelim , village elephant owner, born ?,
  46. Ketut , zoo elephant keeper, born ?,
  47. Kujouli , camp mahout, born ?,
  48. Lakshmi, camp wife, born ?,
  49. Linda Robinson, circus director, born ?,
  50. Lindie Hensman, camp assistant director,
  51. Liselotte Power, circus elephant keeper,
  52. Loo , camp mahout, born ?,
  53. Louise Lindemann, circus director,
  54. Lydia Sperlich, circus director, born ?,
  55. Mani , camp mahout, born 1971,
  56. Manjunath, camp mahout, born ?,
  57. Manuela Gasser, circus director,
  58. Manuela Spindler, circus director, born ?,
  59. Maria Kludsky, circus director, born 1832, dead 1909.
  60. Marilyn Chipperfield, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  61. Marion Cristiani, circus other,
  62. Marion Kröplin, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  63. Martha Helen Engesser, circus director, born ?,
  64. Mary Lennon, circus director,
  65. Mary Ruth Herriott, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  66. Meena Kulmapijit, camp director, born ?,
  67. Melanie Jordan, circus director, born ?,
  68. Naimuddeen , private elephant owner, born ?, Son of elephant owner Munna Khan
  69. Naveen, camp mahout, born ?,
  70. Niljan , camp mahout, born ?,
  71. Nok , village elephant owner, born ?,
  72. Noodoh , camp mahout, born ?,
  73. Noom , camp mahout, born ?,
  74. Madi Gasser, circus artist,
  75. Olga Yelding, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  76. Oum , village elephant owner, born ?,
  77. P’Kai , zoo mahout, born ?,
  78. Palahdee , organisation mahout, born ?,
  79. Patee , camp mahout, born ?,
  80. Patsy Jordan, circus director, born ?,
  81. Peerapat , camp mahout, born 2004,
  82. Pernitza Koschke, circus assistant director,
  83. Piyadasa, zoo mahout, born ?, dead 1996-06-14.
  84. Raja , temple mahout, born ?,
  85. Ratnakaran, village mahout, born 1964,
  86. Renata Donnert, circus artist, born ?,
  87. Riyajuddin , private elephant owner, born ?, Son of elephant owner Munna Khan
  88. Rosalinde Wulff, circus director, born ?, dead 1881-02-22.
  89. Rosina Manders, circus assistant director, born ?,
  90. Sagara , private mahout, born ?,
  91. Samith , camp mahout,
  92. Sanjan , camp mahout, born ?, Son of mahout J. Shari
  93. Sannapa, camp mahout, born ?,
  94. Mahesh, camp mahout, born ?, Son of mahout Dodda Masti
  95. Shane White, camp director, born ?,
  96. Sharath, camp mahout, born ?,
  97. Sissi Frank, circus director, born ?, dead 2024.
  98. Solveig Enoch, circus artist, born 1937,
  99. Sugimin , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  100. Sukatno , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  101. Suntoro , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  102. Suparjo , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  103. Supomo , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  104. Suryono , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  105. Suwanto , camp elephant keeper, born ?,
  106. Tha , camp mahout, born ?,
  107. Thamrouen , camp mahout,
  108. Than , village elephant owner, born ?,
  109. Thimma, camp mahout, born ?,
  110. Toey , zoo elephant keeper, born ?,
  111. Tol , village mahout, born ?,
  112. Twiang , village elephant owner, born ?,
  113. Umar , zoo elephant keeper, born ?,
  114. Ummerdeen , private elephant owner, born ?,
  115. unknown Althoff, circus director, born ?,
  116. Urunay, camp mahout, born ?,
  117. Vanny Pot (រ៉ាយដឺ ដាច់យ៉ៃ) , private mahout, born ?,
  118. Vasantha , camp mahout, born 1981?, Son of mahout Dodda Masti
  119. Vera Perry, circus director, born ?,
  120. Verna Lindemann, circus director,
  121. Vijayan , camp mahout, born 1986?,
  122. Vinod , temple mahout, born ?,
  123. Viviana Swain, organisation elephant trainer, born ?,
  124. Yutapong , organisation mahout, born ?,

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest