Chipperfield family

List of Chipperfield family

From the list of persons with family name Chipperfield

Database records of selected members from the family Chipperfield

  1. Jimmy Chipperfield, circus director, born 1912, dead 1990. Son of director Dick Chipperfield Sr. and Maud Chipperfield
  2. Johnny Chipperfield, circus animal trainer, born 1875, dead 1978-11-13. Son of director Dick Chipperfield Sr. and Maud Chipperfield
  3. Marjorie Stockley, circus director, born 1916-12-12, dead 1975-12-11. Daughter of director Dick Chipperfield Sr. and Maud Chipperfield
  4. Mary Chipperfield, circus animal trainer, born 1938-11-26, dead 2014-11-30. Daughter of director Jimmy Chipperfield and Rosie Chipperfield
  5. Maude Chipperfield, circus artist, born 1909, Daughter of director Dick Chipperfield Sr. and Maud Chipperfield
  6. Dicky Chipperfield, circus director, dead 2021-12-04. Son of director Dick Chipperfield Jr. and Myrtle Chipperfield
  7. Richard Chipperfield, camp director, born ?, dead 1975. Son of director Jimmy Chipperfield and Rosie Chipperfield
  8. Dick Chipperfield Sr., circus director, born 1875-04-08, dead 1959-05-08.
  9. Dick Chipperfield Jr., circus director, born 1904-09-21, dead 1988-03-03. Son of director Dick Chipperfield Sr. and Maud Chipperfield
  10. Sally Clubb, circus animal trainer, dead 2021-09-07. Daughter of director Dick Chipperfield Jr. and Myrtle Chipperfield
  11. Sheila Chipperfield, zoo artist, born 1975-06-17, Daughter of director Billy Chipperfield
  12. Thomas Chipperfield, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer Tommy Chipperfield and Marilyn Chipperfield
  13. Tommy Chipperfield, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer Johnny Chipperfield and Doris Chipperfield
  14. Billy Chipperfield, zoo director, born ?,

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