Cooke family

List of Cooke family

From the list of persons with family name Cooke

Database records of selected members from the family Cooke

  1. Alfred Cooke, circus animal trainer, born 1821, dead 1854. Son of director Thomas Taplin Cooke
  2. Alice Cooke, circus animal trainer, Daughter of animal trainer Harry Welby Cooke and Katherine Hughes
  3. Clarence Cooke, circus animal trainer, Son of animal trainer Harry Welby Cooke and Katherine Hughes
  4. Emily Cooke, circus animal trainer, Daughter of animal trainer Alfred Cooke
  5. Harold Cooke, circus , born 1868, dead 1871. Son of animal trainer Harry Welby Cooke and Katherine Hughes
  6. Harry Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer John Cooke
  7. Harry Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer John Cooke and Edith King
  8. Henry Cooke, circus animal trainer, born 1814, dead 1901. Son of director Thomas Taplin Cooke
  9. Harry Welby Cooke, circus animal trainer, born 1845, dead 1882. Son of animal trainer Henry Cooke
  10. Hubert Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer Alfred Cooke
  11. James Cooke, circus animal trainer, born 1810, dead 1869. Son of director Thomas Taplin Cooke
  12. John Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer Harry Welby Cooke
  13. John Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of animal trainer Harry Cooke
  14. John Cooke, circus director, born 1837, dead 1917-08-22. Son of animal trainer Henry Cooke
  15. Leon Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of director John Cooke
  16. Mary Cooke, circus artist, born ?, Daughter of director Thomas Taplin Cooke
  17. Rebecca Cooke, circus artist, born 1814, dead 1898. Daughter of director Thomas Taplin Cooke
  18. Thomas Cooke Sr., circus director, born 1752,
  19. Thomas Taplin Cooke, circus director, born 1782, dead 1866. Son of director Thomas Cooke Sr.
  20. Victoria Cooke, circus animal trainer, born ?,
  21. William Cooke, circus artist, born 1808, Son of director Thomas Taplin Cooke

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