Renz family

List of Renz family

From the list of persons with family name Renz

Database records of selected members from the family Renz

  1. Alois Renz, circus director, born ?, dead 2022. Son of other Bernhard Renz and Clara Traber
  2. Anthony Renz, circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of director Franz Renz
  3. Armando Renz, circus director, born ?, Son of director Franz Renz
  4. Bernardo Renz, circus artist, born 2001?, Son of director Franz Renz
  5. Bernhard Renz Jr., circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of director Bernhard Renz
  6. Bernhard Renz, circus other, born 1896, dead 1968. Son of other Johann Renz
  7. Bernhard Renz, circus director, born 1920?, dead 2012. Son of other Bernhard Renz
  8. Carmen Richter, zoo director, Son of director Alois Renz and Julia Renz
  9. Cornelius Renz, circus other, born 1787, dead 1856.
  10. Daniel Renz Jr., circus director, born ?, Son of director Dany Renz and Sabine Rancy
  11. Dany Renz, circus director, born ?, dead 1972-06-17. Son of director Alois Renz and Julia Renz
  12. Ernst Renz, circus director, born 1815, dead 1892. Son of other Cornelius Renz
  13. Franz Renz, circus director, born ?, Son of other Bernhard Renz
  14. Franz Renz Jr., circus animal trainer, born ?, Son of director Franz Renz
  15. Franz Josef Renz, circus other, born 1824, dead 1879. Son of other Cornelius Renz
  16. Franz Renz, circus director, born 1846, dead 1901. Son of director Ernst Renz
  17. Johann Renz, circus other, born 1860, dead 1947. Son of other Franz Josef Renz
  18. Katharina Spindler, circus director, born ?, Daughter of other Bernhard Renz and Clara Traber
  19. Laila Renz, circus artist, born ?, Son of director Bernhard Renz
  20. Lavinia Renz, circus director, born ?, Daughter of director Bernhard Renz
  21. Madeleine Renz, circus animal trainer, born ?, Daughter of director Bernhard Renz
  22. Rene Renz, circus director, born ?, Son of director Alois Renz and Julia Renz

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