Baptiste Schreiber

From the list of elephant persons Family: Schreiber

Baptiste Schreiber
Jean  Schreiber
Baptiste Schreiber with "Manula" and "Lelabardi".
Personal details
Country Sweden

Title elephant trainer 1955-1956
Location at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in United States

Title elephant trainer 1950-1950
Location at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus in United States

Title owner -1989
Location at Circus Schreiber in Sweden

Title elephant trainer
Location at Circus Schreiber in Sweden

Biography details

Jean Baptiste Schreiber , circus director in Sweden

Born 1879 in Sweden dead ? , son of director Baptiste Schreiber and director Bertha Lindberg .

Records about Baptiste Schreiber from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
Baptiste Schreiber brought two elephants to RBBB from Europe in 1950 that did a teeter-board number. The one that struck the board, "Manula", died at the end of the season, leaving the catcher "Lelabardi" expendable so off she went to the Mills Show in 1951 where Hugo Schmitt awaited.
William "Buckles" Woodcock

1955: Baptiste Schreiber would arrive from Europe with three more elephants bringing the RBBB Herd to 51.

Records about Baptiste Schreiber from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
He returned to the Ringling Show in 1955, I was visiting Smokey in Chicago and between shows I see a Group of punks being led into the Big Top for practice, Smokey explained that North had again seen Schreiber working a Group of Musical Elephants in Europe and hired him unaware that the elephants belonged to the show.

When Schreiber arrived to the States he brought three completely untrained punks (wretched looking things) and announced he would train a completely new act while on tour. After struggling for a while he came up with an assortment of excuses and alibis and North allowed him to pick thru the shows punks that were already trained since by this time a lot of money had been invested in him.
He was an embarrassment to Hugo Schmitt (both being German) who gave him as much grief as he could.

William "Buckles" Woodcock

Records about Baptiste Schreiber from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
Baptiste SchreiberThis was the finished result in more ways than one, the show folded July 16th 1956 in Pittsburgh, returned to Sarasota and it's under canvas days we over.

This act fared little better, I was on the show the next season and Benny White told me that in the Garden these elephants would blow the horns in practice but lost interest while in the ring, he said the best thing in the act was Schreiber's dancing.

I remember seeing an article in Life Magazine at the time showing several being chased in Manhattan, seems they missed the turn and rather than return to the basement went thru the glass doors and down 49th Street.
William "Buckles" Woodcock


Siblings through the father Baptiste Schreiber (1856 -- 1889):

  1. Baptista Schreiber Born 1886-04-06 Dead: † 1956-10-12

Baptiste Schreiber s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Baptiste Schreiber
Born: 1879

Baptiste Schreiber

Born: 1856

Paternal Grandfather:
Johan Schreiber

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Bertha Lindberg

Born: 1854

Maternal Grandfather:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Jean Baptiste Schreiber in Sweden. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 17 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

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Categories director | circus | Circus Schreiber | Schreiber family | Born 1879 | Dead ? | People from Sweden

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